01. Wenn man versucht, mich auszuspielen. Wenn man mir Dinge erzählt, die so nicht sind. 02. Wenn man Behauptungen aufstellt; Hallo?!?! Schon mal dran gedacht, dass man damit Beziehungen zerstören kann?!?!?!?!?!? 03. Wenn man mich dann genau dafür verantwortlich macht.
What exactly is the purpose of spamming the thunk!thread of an actor with pictures of said actor which have been put through every possible and impossible Photoshop filter?
It's fascinating, really. Three minutes into Stargate SG-1, season 9, episode 1, has me drooling all over my keyboard. I guess Ben Browder as Cameron Mitchell in Dress Blues hasn't lost his appeal after all
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