Characters: Everyone who's anyone!
Setting: Friday February 13th 10am-10pm (or until zombies start attacking the walls)
Summary: Party-type events, mingling of characters!
Rating: Don't think this'll be necessary, but I'll keep an eye on peoples' threads? :)
Style: Prose or Action Log
Notes: Comments are of places/activities, join in and have fun
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[OOC: You can simply post here in OOC and ask for an item your character has been needing and the mods will let you know if they can obtain it and what sort of 'price' in barter they can expect. You're also welcome to barter with other players here or have a booth of your own of things your character has collected outside the wall! Note that such things would typically be very trinket-like as most useful items outside the wall have already be scoured by thieves and cultists.]
It's entirely possible. I'm not certain but it seems likely that zombies have a different brain pattern than the living. If they even have brain activity at all, that is...
[ He kind of can't believe he's actually talking about this seriously. ]
It hasn't happened to anyone you know yet, has it?
[Seriousness descends on her cheerful attitude and she shakes her head.]
No...luckily not. But...if something ever did happen - I'd want to know one way or the other.
I'll definitely give it a try. It couldn't hurt.
Wouldn't it be obvious if someone were a zombie? I mean, I've never seen it happen before so I'm not an expert but it seems like something you wouldn't be able to miss.
[Elena points to the wall, visible even from here, and folds her arms.]
I mean...if they went exploring out there or something, and they didn't come back for a while. How would you ever know what happened?
[ He looks over at the wall and then back at her. ]
Maybe not if you're a reasonable person. But I have a good...friend...who's not very rational at the best of times. Adventuring is sort of his 'thing.'
Shaun's friendly enough (or, at least, he's good at faking it) and new in town, so he's eager to meet whoever decides to say hello.]
He can choose any of these for the basic materials he needs.
While asking for ammo he'll be told that the barracks stocks all that - and it's rationed right along with the foodstuffs and basic living supplies. He's free to go see if they have anything that will work with his gun - and he'll find that there is, should he seek out the local militia's help.]
Any help is appreciated and he is more than happy to pay in whatever way he can!]
As he moves along the booths, he definitely looks as if he knows what he's looking for. He pauses to scan any tables that look as if they might have the parts he's looking for, then moves right on to the next, focusing on finding what he needs.]
[ooc: Do I need to specify exactly what Tony needs? Just asking 'cause I'm no engineer and have no clue how that suit is built =DD; ]
[OOC: Nope, no need! Just assume he gets the bits and pieces he needs in exchange for the offered 'prices' in labor, favors, or services. :) ]
[ooc: Awesome, thanks! And just to make sure... I was gonna have a post of him working on is suit, so would there be anything else I'd need to do in-game for the armor to be operational again?]
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