KatieRyan - I <3 You, and I'm sorry you didn't get to fully enjoy your 4-day weekend. We miss you at school, and we want you to get better soon. Plus, English is just damn boring without my partner in crime (in case the drugs that you're inevitably taking may leave you to be oblivious and delirious, I'm referring you to when I say "my partenr in crime"). Don't worry, school isn't much better than your experiences. Except, the losing weight thign is definietly not good. The first day you come back, I'm stuffing you full with doughnuts girl. LoL. J/K, you'll be just fine.
<33 Kimi ("Horsey! I want a horsey!")<-- you're supposed to laugh right NOW!
haha that made me feel better. as of right now, i will be in school tomorrow and we can suffer through english together. we can eat doughnut. i want doughnuts nowwwwwwww. i <3 the kim schanz. she is the best.
Comments 2
<33 Kimi ("Horsey! I want a horsey!")<-- you're supposed to
laugh right NOW!
and the horsey did make me laugh.
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