Today was pretty sweet,me and Breah went to the flea-market and we looked at all these beatles records they were wicked $5.00 a peice the poor mad was getting jiped.Then the other old man behind us herd us talking about it so he ran up and swiped them all up :\haha
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LAst night me and Breah went to courtneys house to cut her hair.It was fun hahah because her hair was so long and she just let us chop away on it.She said that her life was in our hands..but we did an awsome job breah and her great layering job.It was a huge inprovement for her,we looked at her then and then a picture og her at the firt of the year
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I hate school so much, today was one of the most boring days of my life.Ms. M thinks she is cool keeping us in for detention(witch shes not). I have like 6 different projects that i have to do this month, some of them are easy i guess
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