Rocket HQ Raid Event

Nov 08, 2011 22:13

Going with the mods' announcement regarding the Team Rocket Re-introduction Plot, here is something else that anyone in Route can participate in.

Your characters may have noticed a few newcomers mentioning (a still functioning) Team Rocket in their intros. Truth is, they wouldn't be the only one. As a result, Merlin will be planning a raid on the Mahogany Town Rocket HQ. We're looking at somewhere between 20-30 participants, made of both Merlin's CR and anyone else who wants to join in on the fun! The schedule for the raid goes something like this:

11/9: Merlin will make an open post asking for volunteers
11/15: The party will depart from Goldenrod and arrive in Mahogany (via Fly)
11/16: They will take the day to let their pokemon rest and also scout the area
11/17: Day of the raid

Yes, you read that right. An open network post. This means that the raid isn't limited to just well-meaning breeders/trainers--undercover Rocket members can join the raid party and try to sabotage the entire mission if they want. Of course, if the regular members are aware of this, the Rocket higher ups will know as well, and they'll be prepared. The raid party will find the old HQ completely rigged with traps, electric pokemon, and grunts lying in get the gist.

The payoff? There will be some uncommon pokemon in the Rocket HQ for intersted parties, and also some items that can be found around the place. Not to mention a bunch of great CR opportunities! The list of items/pokemon, and more information about the raid, will be provided several days before it happens, as the mods and I still have to work out a few details.

Anyway, this post is mainly to get a head-count of the people interested in participating!
Currently the roster looks like:

Merlin, Lancer, Saber, Arthur Pendragon, Souji, Yosuke, Rise, Hibiki (or Yumi), England, Harry Dresden
Yuffie, Heiji, Ventus, Crow, Shelly, Lightning, Logan, Bartz, Riku, Vanitas
Cobra Commander, Leon, Riou, Edward Elric, Talim, Holland, Shirou

Current member count: 27

Rockets involved: Soviet Union, Gorthan

A few others expressed interest (Din, Yun2?), but haven't confirmed yet, so just leave a comment here once you decide. Also, if anyone has questions about the raid, don't be afraid to ask!

**This player plot is completely mod-approved!

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