Who: Anybody and everybody! Where: Cherrygrove, Violet, Azalea, Goldenrod, Ecruteak, and Violet When: Sunday, April 24th Rating: PG! PG-13 at the most, please! Summary: The Easter Festival!
[Zuko was bad with girls. Zuko was worse with crying girls. Zuko was the worst with crying girls who he knew. Because if he screwed up while they were crying they would never let it go.
So approaching Asmodeus was a huge risk. He wasn't sure it was a good idea to undertake it, but...
There's a pressure of someone sitting down on the bench next to her. And sitting. Silently. Really, really awkwardly.]
[... she feels that pressure, and glances up from out of Cerberus's fir. She blinks a few times, still clinging to her Pokemon.
And then she smiles]
Zuko~! [Her eyes are red and puffy from sobbing and her cheeks are glistening wet, but ffffft fuck that IT'S ZUKO she's going to like. Literally pounce him now (but not before pushing Cerberus out of her lap and onto the ground)]
So approaching Asmodeus was a huge risk. He wasn't sure it was a good idea to undertake it, but...
There's a pressure of someone sitting down on the bench next to her. And sitting. Silently. Really, really awkwardly.]
And then she smiles]
Zuko~! [Her eyes are red and puffy from sobbing and her cheeks are glistening wet, but ffffft fuck that IT'S ZUKO she's going to like. Literally pounce him now (but not before pushing Cerberus out of her lap and onto the ground)]
What are you--?! [WHY IS THERE GIRL ON HIM??]
Zukoooo~ ♥ It's been so long!
I just missed you!
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