This movie just flew right past 12 Monkeys for #1 on the list of movies that I feel dumber for watching. Truly I could not find anything redeeming about it. The cinematography, and I use that term very very loosely, was not just bad, it was fucking sickening terrible. The fucking movie was shot from the perspective of a fucking handicam. Come the fuck on, The Blair Witch Project did that and it sucked there too. And as for this magical fucking camcorder, I would love to have a fucking camera that shoots continuously for 7 FUCKING HOURS on 1 tape and one battery, but alas, IT CAN"T FUCKING HAPPEN. And anyway, what fucking kind of moron carries around a fucking video camera while running around a city trying to save someone who in reality should already be dead and having a GIANT FUCKING TANK CRUSHING MONSTER WITH LITTLER MONSTERS THAT MAKE PEOPLE EXPLODE IF THEY BITE THEM FALLING OFF OF IT trying to make them and everyone else on the island of Manhattan very, very dead. The characters, well what can I say about these fucking mouth breathing fuckwits. I literally fucking cheered when each of these wastes of recourse were killed off. They deserved what the got. Stupid people deserve horrible deaths. There was no exposition of the story. None. In fact I use the term story very loosely as well. I want my 2 hours back, and I want monetary compensation, and I didn't even pay to see it.