I've been trying to post about Dr. Tiller's murder for the last 24 hours, and all that comes out is type - delete - type - delete - type - delete
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Tiller was such an emotional roller coaster for me. His name always caused my heart to clench up a little bit, because he was an Achilles' heel. He played as close to the wire as he could with laws and regulations, and every time they went after him I thought, "Oh no, now, this is it, somewhere he has forgotten to dot an i or cross a t and this will be the time they get him, and if they shut him down they will never stop until they hound out every doctor who performs late-term abortions, and then they'll redouble their efforts to take down every clinic with lawsuits and malicious prosecution
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requesting permission to repost far and wide.. and Email.arthurthedentedJune 1 2009, 20:53:39 UTC
your words are more than adequate to the task at hand.. and I'd like to share them with folks I know who are in that vast middle pool leaning slightly to the right on this.. mostly because all they ever hear is what the media has to say.
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