Good morning everyone. I'm spacing these out so that I don't totally flood everyone's friend's page, but here's another one!
So I managed to make it about another twenty minutes before I fell asleep last night at about seven. I slept until two-thirty in the morning, which is a decent night's sleep, even if it wasn't when I should have had it. I think I'll have to take a nap today to make it until a real bedtime, but you never know. I surprise myself sometimes at my ability to stay awake until odd hours of the morning.
I think I forgot to mention my stroke of brilliance yesterday. I only thought about it halfway across the ocean. I knew that they didn't provide sheets to us in the dorm, but for some reason, this translated in my head as “there will be blankets.” I decided to take the blanket from my international flight, small and thin as it is, just in case. Guess what? No blankets. It's not really a big deal right now, because it was about the same temperature here as it was at home, so I'm not any sort of cold, but I'll have to get a blanket before winter sets in. At least now I have my nice little Lufthansa cuddle blanket.
Also, when I assumed that they would be giving me a blanket, I also somehow came to the conclusion that there would be a pillow involved somehow, too. Not so. I have a nice makeshift pillow made of all of my sweaters and jackets in the pillowcase I brought, which is okay because I really won't need them right now, either. Like I said, it's pretty warm here. A pillow is still on my to-buy list.
After I woke up, I tried to spend some of my time trying to do productive things, and so I actually finally started reviewing some of my old German stuff. I am such a failure at remembering this language, to be sure. I'm not super-motivated yet, as I haven't actually started classes or anything, but I got through the first chapter of my old textbook and mostly through the second. Most of my motivation right now is that we're having some sort of placement test/interview for the classes I'll be taking this first month, so I have to be up to par right now, which I most definitely am not.
Somehow, I have learned, I managed to not pack my towel. Now, I specifically remember not only thinking that I needed to get a towel, but I even remember getting a towel out of my closet and putting it in my suitcase. Obviously, my memory was faulty, as there are no towels to be found right now, but I made do using some of my clothes to dry off. I'll have to get a towel soon.
Anyway, I have no idea when I'm supposed to go where, today. It's now about 6:45, and so I'm going to go sit downstairs until 9:00 and hope that Jake, my roommate-to-be, who is presumably in the right room and that's why I haven't seen him, passes by in that time so I can meet up with him and hope that he has a better idea of what's going on than I do. I really am lost without my internet. If he doesn't pass by before nine, I'm going to just head to the University anyway (I have a map and it's not supposed to be that far) and see what I can figure out once I get there. Wish me luck!
Sleep well, you kids. I know that it's getting to bedtime, there.