(no subject)

Jun 02, 2006 05:34

Since you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.
Thanks gailadora now I have to think... Six weird fact/things/habits Fristly I haven't told anyone these things except for wondervixen

1. I pick the lint out of my belly button every time I use the restroom. i know it sounds gross, but think about it. (Fat Bastard) I've got a huge belly (Fat Bastard), and if I waited till the end of the day I could have birds nesting in it. Besides I always wash after I handle my junk anyway, so it's not like I getting any dirtier.

2. Ever since I was a little kid I somehow got in the habit of getting naked to take a poo. Really weird that, I win. I only do it in the privacy of my own home so don't worry about me using your crapper if I'm at your place.

3. I actually kind of enjoyed playing Magic at bobthebarbarian's birthday party. (Trust me it's weird; you have just been in the geek forest too long to know)

4. When I'm at the movies I like to drink my soda through licorice. I bite off each end of the licorice and use it like a straw.

5. I have crazy uncle (I know we all have one, but I think mine trumps) he actually believes that in the martial art he studies (one of the ones I have a black belt in) that someone can knock out someone else from twenty feet away without so much as touching them. Simply harnessing their chi and throwing it at the other person. sound familiar? Oh I don't know; how about every fighting game from Mortal Kombat on, maybe? Effing cult if you ask me.

6. Not really weird but it's fact. Every time I wear a kilt I go regimental. For those of you who don't know; that means commando. That should answer the age old question to "what's under that?". If you wear underwear under your kilt it's an effng skirt!

I don't know six other people on here that haven't already been tagged so I can't spread this.
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