Hey everyone. Like you, I was fascinated by the character Roxas and have since spent a good deal of time fangirling over him. It is in this spirit of admiration and much fangirl love that I can make fun of him mercilessly.
Roxas: A Character Study WITH PICTURES!
The first impression we have of Roxas is that of a Scene Kid/Emo Kid from appearance only. The hair swooping over his face, his affinity for checkered accessories, those shoes...
As if that wasn't enough, we soon discover that his entire life is saturated with scenester trends.
Roxas lives up to his look by being removed, distant and frowny faced for a great majority of the game. But can you blame him? Cheerful girls in skimpy undergarments keep telling him that he was never meant to exist. That's got to wear on you after awhile.
Not to mention the fact that he's having a psychotic breakdown nearly every waking moment. One minute he's minding his own business, eating frosted cornflakes and contemplating the scenesterness of his pajamas- the next he's fighting evil on a giant wedge of stained glass floating in space. He falls off a clocktower, carries on a midair telepathic conversation with a chick who has the hots for his alter ego, and wakes up the next day without any kind of resolution. Did I make a squelching sound on the pavement? What's my name? Where are my clothes? What is the square root of 12? All of the fainting and shifting between reality and dreams would be enough to drive anyone crazy.
It's a good thing he has friends he can confide in that care about him.
Hayner, Pence and Olette. He can chant their names Beetlejuice style to bring him back to reality. But how great of friends are they really?
It seems to me that they spend an awful lot of time not carrying about Roxas or his mental breakdowns. If one of my friends kept passing out all over the damn place and seeing mysterious hooded figures and magical trains- I would be concerned to say the least. Not these kids.
Roxas reaches out for help and advice:
Guys, could we maybe study the weird shit that's been happening to me lately for our summer project? Maybe we can discover why the synapses in my brain are misfiring or why I keep having epileptic seizures. Maybe I'll finally figure out why I have to fight zipper mouthed wind-socks with a giant key. What do you say?
No way, Roxas. That's stupid. Let's go up to Sunset Hill so you can innappropriately ride on a dog trapped in a burlap bag. Our teacher will be so impressed with all that we've learned. Water is reflective! GO EDUCATIONAL INDEPENDENT STUDIES!
His "friends" also isolate him. Every scene they're pictured together, Roxas is shoved off in a corner, or trailing behind the group. Even when they're all heading off in the same direction, they will yell "LATER ROXAS!", run off together, and then meet him five minutes later. Couldn't they have waited? Apparently not. Leaving the room without Roxas is one of their favourite pasttimes. Second only to staring intently at their trophy gems in unison and secretly hating Roxas when he can't find his. Or eating ice-cream. They're all so hopped up on sugar, I feel sorry for their parents for having to deal with them. Oh, who am I kidding, they're all orphans and everyone knows it.
Basically, Roxas is a scene kid without a scene. His friends secretly hate him, he's losing his mind, he probably cries himself to sleep at night and to top it all off- his very existence is a terrible mistake. Good thing he can release all his pent up emotion through doing mad skateboarding trickz Tony Hawk style. Dag, yo.
Oh, Roxas. I love this kid so much. <3