My mom's old school is closing down so Curtis, my mom, and I helped them clean it out. They're having an auction to try and make money so Curtis, his mom, and his grandma (who is like an antiques dealer) are all coming to the auction. I was going anyways but that just makes it better! We'll see what fun things I can come home with!
The party was actually pretty fun. I played volleyball, dance (I didn't slow dance, which are my favorites!!), Karoke, ate, drank (Mt. Dew I'm a good girl), and wrote a book. I will really miss Maybelline
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Tonight I'm going to Maybelline's going away party. After the last going away party I went to I can't truly say I'm excited. Esspecially since this time Fae isn't going. We'll see what happens though. I'll try and update on that sometime soon
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Fae and I have been hanging out a lot lately. Most of it fun, but I'll get to that later. We've made a bunch of music videos recently. They are super-duper hot. I will upload pictures to show you those when I get my CD from Fae
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The Redneck feast was quite yummy! I only ate the sausage and corn though. The other was like shrimp and onions, which I desipse. Overall it was pretty dern fun. Even his auntie that kept asking where her dog was, which was QUITE funny.
Tonight I'm going over to Curtis' for a "Redneck Feast." It's where his mom cooks some food and then DUMPS it on the table. Not in bowls but directly on the table cloth. This sounds like my kind ok meal. Eating with my hands and getting very very dirty! Sounds like so much fun. Maybe I'll see some of this nations leaders there, since it's a
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Fae and her mom went to the interview. Fae said that her mom and her liked the town but they didn't feel it was right. That might not mean anything though. Fae also said I could board a train and it would take me to their town. That might be very cool
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I started reading Angels and Demons. It's a fairly good book, very confusing because right now they are talking about how science can help prove religion RIGHT. This is a crazy thought. I always thought that it was science or religion. That is part of the problem in the book. The church thinks that and so they killed some of the most famous
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Just got back from the DaVinci Code. Overall I thougth it was a good movie. I also haven't read the book. Curtis said it wasn't very good at all. So my new plan is to read the book and then I'll decide. I do like the theory of Jesus being married and having a kid. I guess I have to read a book this summer
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Tonight Curtis and I were going to go out for dinner and then to the DaVinci Code. Well things happened so now we are only going to the movie. This is a dissapointment because he had to mow for 6.5 hours before we could go. He acually didn't seem all that mad about it like he normally is. Which made me happy because I hate it when he get's
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