This was a great weekend for fursuiting! I spent most of the con bopping around as Hossifer and thankfully had a positive experience as Roxikat after closing ceremonies. It was 13-15 hours in the SUV with Snowy, Ellipsis, and RebelWolf, but with the roof storage container and good company, it was a great trip.
Frostscar, Cola Katz, and Cajunfox will be having Kamber and I as guests at
Condition in Canada this August and had us at a fun room party to celebrate on Friday. It was cool to see so many Camp Feral T-shirts. It should be a blast!
It was cool to see all my friends in the Artist Alley and Dealer Room, but I was having too much fun fursuiting to sit down and draw. I got adorable fan art from Sydak, and got to chat a lot with Seritaph and other friends from Champions Online. The evenings were full of reminiscing with old friends like Jacent and BAR-1 with some mild drinking, and laughing through Kings games with Kamber, Eryth, and Leandra, Tawney, and Mike, Seph and Geemo, Cajun and Kess, Perro, Simba, Shizkitty, Crazi Corgi, Canary, Rozberk and Riss, Perro, Ellipsis, Snowy, JoMo and Dingo.
I felt more connected to people this year than any other, and I really felt a part of something special marching and postin with the Daedalus crew.
kamberlane , Eryth, and Leandra are on the pulse of the steampunk fashion right now. I really hope they gain more notice in the fandom on their
One Day Studios website. They completed a fantastic Starfox Crystal bodysuit for Kess in record time that fits her well. She and Cajunfox wish to be a part of the crew as their gunner and doctor. It should be an inspiring future for them! I'm so grateful for their time and patience helping me build Hossifer. I've bought my trainer sewing machine from Leandra, so I can finally realize my own fursuit ideas without having to commission other people.
I'm glad I got to spend time with Midori and her boyfriend, talking shop about fursuit stuff. She's really down to earth and hilarious. Latinvixen shipped her new Midori head to her, getting it to her an hour before the fursuit parade. Hearing success stories like that is great. :) It's very professional and shows that the creator really cares, making sure they have the commission when they need it.
I got to spend time with Yuki, Jadaira, The Man, Ukkio and Haru. The spandex, plastic-masked costumers seem to be a part of my extended family. I feel very protective of them, since several of them tell me that I inspired them to go the anime furless route. I know it can be awkward to be different in the fandom. I can see how Roxi's look is
Kigurumi which is a word that describes the fiberglass head mascots but is also a term being made popular to describe the "disguise pajamas" that LatinVixen and BooBooBunnygirl make. Among fuzzy fursuits, kigurumi characters look a lot like fetish wear, but are more accepted when the head isn't the hockey-mask anime face and rather having a muzzle, like Kamber Lane and
Rabbit-In-The-Moon's Bridgette I've been having more fun wearing Hossifer because I think the muzzle and fur makes me look less fetishy and more approachable. It's an amazing boost of confidence when people don't steer clear when you're costuming nearby. Still, the short time I spent in Roxikat was generally positive, and I was glad to see several people that were asking for her. I grumble when I get into the Roxikat suit but it's really fun, especially walking with Kamber, Jadaira, Yuki and friends.
I'm looking forward to the new hotel for next year's MFF! I didn't like the J-design of the present Westin, and hope we can be more socially accepted by the next hotel. In fact, the Hyatt O'Hare hosts big sci-fi cons and a Japanese bondage convention, so I don't think we'll be disturbing anyone there. :)