Welcome back to the Richmond Legacy! Hope you all had a nice spring break, or if it wasn't your spring break, hope you had a nice week without the Richmonds while I had spring break! And let me just say it was definitely a fabulous break!! But now I'm home and it's snowing like crazy... In fact there's almost a foot on the ground and it's still coming strong. Here's hoping for a snow day tomorrow!!!!
And I just want to put in a big thank-you to everyone who has bothered to comment on my legacy! I know it's not the greatest story out there but your comments make me feel like it's worth writing! So thanks! :)
But anyway, I'm off-topic again as always. I do in fact have a chapter for you! And it's the last chapter of this generation!!! So let's get started!
-- Hello there Rayleigh! How's the workout going?
Rayleigh: "Aaah! Painful! I can't do this!"
Jay: "Go Ray! You can do it!! I believe in you! Pump those scrawny arms, girl!"
Rayleigh: "I am NOT scrawny! I'll show you!"
With a houseful of children, it was pretty hard for them all to cultivate relationships with each other, but the TV was a way that they all found to bond. Well except for Brooklyn, who couldn't be in the room if the television was on. Silly technophobes.
And Rayleigh, on the other hand, laid in bed at night dreaming of how much she did not want to get married. *Sigh* something odd happened to these twins.
Jay's guitar certificate showed up in the mail! I bet it's annoying to see a picture every time I get one of these certificates, but it makes me feel proud :) We've almost filled the small playroom with these plaque things!
Brooklyn was invited to Van Alto's house after school one day. I was expecting her to show up at the Alto Manor (seems logical), forgetting that Cole and his family lived there now, so I was surprised when we arrived at the old Goth place.
Oooooh, looks like Van is a cutie!
Rayleigh thought so too.
Rayleigh: "Van, you remind me of a fluffy little teddy bear!"
-- Great pickup line, darling.
But hey, I guess it worked pretty well!
Back at home...
Sydney: "OMG, Jules, remember that one time, with the art easel?"
Julianna: "Hahahah! LMAO! That was funny!"
-- I don't get it.
Julianna: "Oh, you had to be there."
Seriously? Already? :'(
Brooklyn: "I dunno what you're on about - I can't wait to get outta this place!"
-- Aww, Brooks, you're stunning!
Rayleigh: "You just said that 'cause you haven't seen me yet!"
-- Alright, Miss Priss, let's see what you've got!
Rayleigh: "Wait! I take it back! What if I'm ugly?!?!"
-- Trust me girl, you won't be.
-- See?
Rayleigh: "Oh, I knew I'd be pretty. I was just seeing what you'd say if I acted like I didn't know."
-- Umm... sure.
-- Haha, you fell down!
Rayleigh: "Shut up okay? This damn drawer is sticky!"
-- So why didn't Brooklyn have trouble with it?
Rayleigh: "..."
Lovely Brooklyn gained Kleptomaniac as her last trait. Looks like she won't be invited over much. She looks a lot like her dad, although she has Hope's face shape... And I adore her eyes, I've gotten really sick of green.
Of course Rayleigh manages to pull the trademark green eyes off nicely :) She reminds me of Jay the most of all the kids, I think, face shape, skin tone and all. She must get her mouth from him because those lips don't run in the family. I love them though! Rayleigh gained Loner as her final trait. Good thing I won't be forcing her to marry... She'd hate every moment of it.
Rayleigh: "Hey sexy... You are lookin' smokin' tonight! You know, you don't need a man... You're perfect all on your own."
-- That's the spirit Ray! I think...
Quickly Ray was sent to get a job in the Athletic career, in order to work toward her LTW.
Meanwhile Brooklyn just wanted a slice of cake.
Brooklyn's boyfriend Van was over, and I'd aged him up too. I love Sims who clean up autonomously! Melanie did, and look what a good spouse she turned out to be!
I approve.
I love this painting!!!
Rayleigh: "Must... work... out.... longer....."
-- Don't kill yourself honey.
Meanwhile Sydney had invited over her childhood friend Santos Rapp.
Syd: "Sorry about my stinky sister. But hey, welcome to my house!"
Santos: "It's not Stinky Sis I'm worried about... It's Jay. He sucks."
Okay then.
Sydney pulled a flirty art reference.
Sydney: "You're cuter than my paintbrush! And that's saying something."
-- Hey there!!! Watch where you put your hands young man!
Santos: "What? I was just hugging her amorously..."
-- Don't give me that! I see where you're looking!
Sydney didn't seem to mind Santos' creepy groping advances,
and soon asked him to be her boyfriend.
Looks like a yes <3
Sydney wasn't the only one getting some romance that night.
-- Julianna Richmond! Get out of Brooklyn's cute proposal shot!
Julianna: "Hmm? Oh, sorry!"
Brooklyn: "Van, you've been my sweetheart since high school. I love you with all my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"
Van: "Of course I will!!! I love you Brooklyn!"
A traditional Richmond-style private wedding was in order... Brooklyn, couldn't you at least have put on a shirt that covered your belly button?
Brooklyn: "Nah..."
Awww <3
Van's a real cutie, just like I knew he would be! I love his blonde hair, we can always use more of that in the family. I can't believe he agreed to marry Brooklyn though, considering his Commitment Issues. He is also a Klepto just like Brook. They were meant to be ;)
Hope: "Ican'tbelieveyouforgotmybirthday!"
-- Nooo! Hope I'm sorry! It's been CRAZY and I -
Hope: "Justshutupandcheerforme!"
-- Want to tell me why you're speaking so fast?
Hope: "Notreally!"
Hope: "But I don't wanna get old!!!"
Hope: "Can't you do something?!"
-- Not really :(
Hope: "OH shit... This sucks man! I hate my life."
Hope is still quite striking in her old age! I think it's Liza's eyes that do it for her. In fact she looks EXACTLY like Liza did as an old lady. Creepy.
Jay: "Maybe if I just keep playing guitar, I won't age up!"
Jay: "Or maybe not! Ughhh I don't want to get old!"
-- Then why are you cheering?
Jay: "Because I'm a good sport, unlike my wife!"
-- I appreciate that.
Jay: "WHOA... you appreciate me?!"
-- Of course I do! You fathered generation 4!
Jay: "Well..... most of it."
Julianna: "Go Daddy! Way to get old!! You go, old man!!"
Jay: "But Jules..."
Jay: "I'm not your father!"
Julianna: "Oh I know. You're not my biological father, but you're my dad anyway."
-- Aww, how sweet!
Jay: "This might not be so bad after all!"
I knew it.... Jay is the cutest old man ever.
Brooklyn: "Hmm... What is this secret-looking room over here?"
-- You mean to tell me that in all the years you've lived in this house, you've never been in this room before?
Brooklyn: "Nope!"
-- Well, it's a double bed for married couples.
Brooklyn: "For cuddling?"
-- Yes... cuddling.
The next morning...
Brooklyn: "So listen, Rayleigh. Van and I want to move out on our own, and we were wondering if you want to move with us."
Rayleigh: "What? Me, move in with you? You don't want me. I'd just be a third wheel."
Brooklyn: "Nonsense! You're my twin sister! I couldn't stand to move away from you. Besides, somebody's gotta be there to talk you out of it when you decide you want to quit athletics and start over with something new."
Rayleigh: "You'd do that for me?"
Brooklyn: "Of course! So say you'll do it?"
Rayleigh: "Oh... Okay. Sure."
Brooklyn: "Yay! I'll make the call right now."
Rayleigh: "Cool, but I'm driving."
The girls and Van hopped into their new car (which materialized from nowhere, of course) and drove off excitedly.
Brooklyn: "I can't believe I get stuck in back."
Entirely across town, they pulled up to this lovely home! I happen to know there are six bedrooms in this one. Looks like it'll be a big family!!
Now there were only two kids left in the entire house. This is my least favorite part, when the house has just been full of life and now all the big kids are gone :(
Sydney, however, felt no such sadness. She was calling up all her siblings, uncles and aunts, and friends - she and Julianna were finally becoming adults, and I thought a party was in order!
Billy showed up first, looking happy to be home.
Billy: "I haven't been in this chapter at ALL! Isn't that sad?"
-- Very!!! I miss you, honey!
Annette, Rayleigh, and Hope's brothers (I'm not sure which ones, since they all have white hair with the same hairstyle) showed up as well.
Along with a VERY pregnant Brooklyn!
Van: "Isn't she gorgeous?"
What a sweet husband <3
Hope, who'd been coming inside from the garden with a very full bladder, was caught in the traffic jam and unfortunately peed her pants in front of all her daughters' guests.
-- Ha-ha! You wet your pants on the porch!!
Hope: "Shut the f*** up!"
-- Watch the language! Yeesh!
Hope: "It's not my fault! This is embarrassing!"
Julianna was up first as the older twin.
With her siblings gathered in the kitchen cheering, it almost felt like old times. It was hard to forget, though, that none of them lived at home anymore.
Julianna: "I'm not ready for this!"
-- Sure you are! Just sit tight and it'll be over before you know it!
She looks possessed... O.o
Just like every other girl in this generation, Julianna looks absolutely beautiful!
Julianna rolled Party Animal as her last trait. A scientist who loves partying? That's interesting.
Sydney: "Sweet, that means I'll be pretty too!"
-- Duh! You already are.
Sydney: "Hmmm... Well then, I wish not to have six kids!"
-- Granted! For sure!
Sydney: "Cool. Let's go!"
Sydney rolled Over-Emotional for her final trait. Oh I love this one :D
Sydney: *Sigh* "Oh, Billy wants to be a doctor. How brave and noble of him!"
Sydney: "It just makes me want to cry!"
I love this already! xD
Here's Julianna's picture! I guess I should really get a good look at Tad's genes so I could tell you who these two look more like. But apart from the eyes and nose, I think Jules is all Richmond. She's got the skin tone, face shape, and mouth, as well as Liza's hair.
Sydney takes after her mother a lot too, in the eyes (color and shape), face shape, and mouth. She does have differences in her nose, skin tone, and of course, the hair. I have to say I am definitely happy with the results of the heir vote. Syd's the most unique, and she'll bring a lot into the gene pool :)
Ah, what would a Richmond party be without a little chaos? As most of the guests are leaving, Brooklyn starts to go into labor!
Everyone freaks out but Annette.
Julianna: "OH MY GOD! My sister is in labor! In the kitchen! Holy shit!"
Billy: "This was definitely NOT on my list of 'things to see before I die'!!!"
One of Hope's Brothers: "Oh Lord! Please save me! This is not what I had in mind when I was invited to a birthday party at the house where I grew up! I don't want to see a birth, just a birthday!"
Annette: "Jeez, guys, cool it."
Hope: "Seriously. Calm down girls. I've done this a million times. Everything is under control."
Brooklyn: "Mom, it HURTS!!!"
Hope: "I know honey. Let's go out to the car and I'll take you to the hospital."
Hope: "Just follow me."
Brooklyn: "Mom, I know how to get to the garage. I grew up here."
-- Haha... puddles of pee are still all over the porch. Maybe neat-freak Annette will clean them up ;)
The dark car was quiet as Hope drove and Brooklyn tried to ignore the pain that was coming faster and faster.
Soon enough they arrived at the hospital.
Hope: "You just go on in dear, I'll wait out here."
Yeah that's realistic.
Hope: "Are you really going to make me stand around out here for hours while Brook's in labor?"
-- She is your daughter! Of course you are going to wait!
But as it turns out, Sims who aren't in the active household give birth remarkably fast. Ten Sim minutes later, Brooklyn emerged from the hospital once again.
And it's a................
It's a GIRL!!! Meet Shanon Richmond, the first baby of generation 5!! One of Shanon's traits is Excitable; I didn't write the other one down for some reason, sorry :/ I'll find out for you when we get a sibling update of Brooklyn and family.
Hope: "It's 4:30 in the morning, by the way."
-- And?
Hope: "It was one thing for me to be getting in bed at this hour when there were six kids to raise. It's entirely different now that I'm an old lady."
-- You were taking your daughter to the hospital to give birth. I think that is a valid reason to be getting in bed at 4:30 a.m.
Hope: "I beg to differ."
-- Oh just go to bed. You suck at arguing when you're tired.
And that's where I leave you today! (By the way, this is Cole, staring evilly through our living room window long after he should've left the party, for no apparent reason. Gotta love Evil sims.) Next, we'll have a sibling update on the four kids living outside the legacy mansion. I'll go in age order, so look for Annette's coming out first! I haven't played at all, so it will be a little while before a chapter's out. After we've been updated on Annette's, Billy's, Brooklyn's, and Rayleigh's lives outside the legacy mansion, we'll get started on generation 5! And, let's just say I've been having the itch to rebuild, so there will probably be a new house in the near future! Lots to look forward to, so I hope you keep reading! Thanks as always for reading and commenting, I really appreciate it!! See you next time :D