Hello again! Happy Saturday everyone :) I've finally got the time to get another chapter of the Richmonds out! And Chapter 2's pictures have been shot as well, so that may be out in a few hours, we'll see how things go! I'm very excited to get this generation started... we're halfway to generation 10! Wooo! And this chapter we get to see the new legacy mansion in action!! So let's get started, this is gonna be a long one!
The Richmond Legacy: Generation 5, Chapter 1
Hello Sydney! Would you like to welcome the viewers back to the legacy? I know it's been a while, and I'm sure they missed you..
Sydney: "Yes but, you see, I am in the bathtub..."
You're wearing a bathing suit... It's okay!
Sydney: "You see why I am Never Nude? It's a wise trait to have in a legacy when the creator barges in on you at the most undignified moments."
She looks so evil here... And I really don't like that hair on her :(
Santos: "SCORE!!!"
Santos: "I broke the bathtub!!"
You are such a slob... Fix it!
Santos: "Fiiiiine..."
You really need a nickname.
Later that evening I sent Sydney to get her dream job at the Bistro! Or well, she is a Spice Runner now, but soon she will be climbing the ladder!
I was really not enthusiastic about the criminal career track... I know it is an interesting one, but this legacy has high standards! It's bad enough that Santos dislikes children and is a hot-headed slob. He can't *also* be a criminal. Think what the locals would say!
So I made him join the medical career. I really want multi-gender twins and my game launcher won't let me download Dr. Blueflame... I can download her but not install her into the game. So the only way I can think of is to get a doctor of my own. Anyone know what level of the medical career he has to be before he can predict the baby's gender?
P.S. Santos gets a nickname... I'm using
the_wilsons 's suggestion and calling him Ozzie. I think it's cute, and it fits because the last two letters in 'Santos' are o and s, which are kind of like Oz... Yeah you get it. By the way, read the Wilson Legacy if you don't already, it's amazing! :D
Sydney: "O.M.G."
Sydney: "THAT."
What, the chair?
Sydney: "Yes. It's giving me the evil eye."
No that's what *you're* doing to *it*...
Oh hey, it's Maya! I'd forgotten that she joined the culinary career as well. So did Brooklyn! Generation 4's women are all going to be having a blast in that kitchen together! I'm jealous.
Jay: "Goin' to the park, I'm goin' to the paaaaaark..."
I love Jay, he is just the cutest little old man.
I'm not going to...
Ozzie: "Don't even look at them! Don't even think about them. That's right, walk away.."
Ozzie: "The man in that car is looking at my weinies."
Would you mind calling them something else? It's kind of awkward.
Seems like the whole family was at the park that day! Annette's husband Josh and their son James were out for a walk.
Jay: "Here comes the sun, do do do do, here comes the sun, and I say: It's all right........... Little darlin', it's been a long cold lonely winter. Little darlin', I feel like years since it's been here... Here comes the sun, do do do do, here comes the sun, and I say: It's all right..........."
I love the Beatles! <3
Ozzie: "Cookin' my weinies... La la la..."
Didn't I ask you to call them something else...? What about 'hot dogs' or something?
Sydney was at the park as well! She was swinging next to her niece, Brooklyn's daughter Shanon. Poor girl is bald :(
Sydney: "Hahaha! This little girl is bald!"
Shanon: "My head looks like a bug..."
Hey Hope, would you mind going to the park with Jules for a while? I need to rebuild your house.
Hope: "What do you think I'm doing, woman?"
Sorr-y... Sheesh!
Hope: "Mmm! Hot dogs. Thanks, Oz!"
Ozzie: "She's touching my weinies!!!!!!!!!"
You have to admit, hot-headed sims are entertaining.
Julianna: "I don't like my hair this way."
I'm sorry babe. Honestly, I don't really either. Once your house is done why don't we go change it.
Sydney: "Hmm... This place looks different."
Um... No duh?
Sydney: "You changed something. Oh I know what it is!"
Sydney: "It's the living room couch, isn't it!"
Actually, that is one of the only things I kept the same...
I finally decided on Sydney's grandmother, Liza's, hairstyle. It seemed to fit her better than the curls, at least.
Sydney: "This hairstyle makes me nauseous."
Sydney: "I want my braid back!"
Me too :(
I'm really happy with this house!
What do you think of it, Jay bird?
Jay: "It's wonderful! You did a great job."
Aww :3 You're so sweet!
Sydney: "Hey voice lady!! I'm PREGNANT!!!!"
:D WOOT!!!
Sydney and Jay had a terrible relationship... They "disliked" each other, it was quite down in the red. I guess they had a few arguments while I was gone doing sibling updates. I made them play foosball together in an effort to improve things.
Soon Julianna and Ozzie joined the fun.
Julianna: "You boys are going down!"
It's interesting how alike these two look. I think aside from hair color, eye color, and eye shape, they really are identical! It's so cute :3
Hope didn't seem as enthusiastic about the new house.
Hope: "How the hell much money did you spend on this freaking place?"
Is that even grammatically correct?
Jay: "This food processor is freaky."
I know right!
Jay: "But I love the kitchen. It has very nice décor."
I love Jay :) And doesn't he look a lot skinnier as an elder?
Jay: "Should I be offended that Sydney isn't eating my cooking?"
Sydney: "Jay, I'm pregnant. I'm not eating something you replicated on that unnatural machine."
And so you choose the rotten pancakes instead?
Sydney: *tears* "They were such good pancakes... I'll never forget them!!"
Julianna: "And I thought she was bad before the pregnancy hormones kicked in..."
It dawned on me that I should probably make Julianna a room, considering she lived here too...
It looks a little empty because we were already running low on funds before this room was created...
I kind of went with the "crazy plant lady" theme, since she's a scientist and all.
Sydney and Ozzie slept soundly in their brand-new bed.
Hope and Jay also liked their new old-people room.
And Jules seemed to like her room as well!
Julianna: *dreaming* "Wasn't this once great-great-grandpa Charlie's bed?"
In fact it was! Isn't that awesome?
Charlie also approved of the house...
Charlie: "Video games! Woot!"
I thought you were, like, Mr. Fitness?
Charlie: "That was when I was alive and there was a purpose. I'm not trying to live longer anymore."
Unfortunately when I moved all my CC in an effort to get it to work again, the desks in the study got erased. Along with two of the family's computers *and* the incense holder Annette and Billy bought in China. Ugh :'(
I really like the new graveyard. So peaceful!
Makes me wonder where Joey's ghost went to, anyway. He got stuck out of his grave and left the home lot... Bo saw him at the park once, remember that? Weird times...
Ozzie: "Om nom nom nom."
Hope: "My daughter married a friggin pig..."
Julianna: "Yay! I get to go to work!"
Ozzie: "I freaking have to go to freaking work?!"
If looks could kill...
Jay's new favorite pastime (now that he was RETIRED... *AHEM*) was martial arts! He was getting pretty good too!
Jay: "Observe."
Jay: "Hi-yaaaaa!"
Jay: "Heh."
Nice job! Why don't you try breaking an oak one now?
Jay: "AAAH OW OW OW!!!"
Baaaad idea... Hahaha but funny face :)
Jay: "Ehh."
Reminds me of Annette as a teenager. At least Jay's not in heels like Annette was. lol
Sydney: *sniffle* "Mom's in my way... Oh I could just cry!"
You'll never guess who this is...
It's Rayleigh without CC hair! She looks so different :\
So does Shanny... But not quite as different.
Jay: "I don't understand women... You make such a huge deal out of hair, when it's not important at all.."
You know Jay? You're right. It's no big deal. I just miss it... *cries*
Aww, I love this picture <3 These two are the cutest elders ever.
Hope: "Come on Jay honey! Hammer it harder or it won't get upgraded as fast!"
I think Hope's taking her anger out on the sprinkler... O.o
Ozzie: "Hmm... Wise move Santos. Wise move."
Ozzie: "But not wise enough! Ozzie for the win, AGAIN!"
So you, Ozzie, are playing chess against you, Santos. Did I get that right?
Ozzie: "Yup!"
You crazy Sims you...
Sydney: "Oh my gosh Mom, guess what! I'm pregnant!"
Hope: "Oh honey, that's so great! I can't wait to be a grandma!"
You already are. Annette, Billy, and Brooklyn all have kids. You have six grandkids.
Hope: "Shut up and don't ruin the moment for once in your life."
Hope: "I think I can hear him!"
Sydney: "Actually it's a girl."
Hope: "But I already have five granddaughters! I want a grandson."
You have --
Hope: "I know, I know! Can you go away?"
Sydney: "I'm really not looking forward to this."
I know, lovey. Let's just get it over with okay?
On the bright side, you look absolutely stunning in this light!
Doesn't she though??
Sydney: "Hey Ozzie? Honey listen... Don't take this badly alright?"
Sydney: "But I'm pregnant!"
It's so cute that even though she's dreading his reaction, you can tell she's still really excited :3
Ozzie: "... Really?"
Sydney: "Um... Yeah."
Honey... :(
Ozzie: "Well... That's alright, I guess."
Sydney: *cries*
Ozzie: "Voice! How could you do this to me?!"
Actually, you are the one who caused this..
Ozzie: "Well, I guess it's okay. How about a hug, Sugar?"
Sydney: "No way! Get away from me!"
Ozzie: "What is wrong with this woman?!"
What's wrong with *you*?!
Julianna: "Just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo doo! Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo doo!"
*Sigh* at least someone in this house is cheerful...
And I leave you now with this beautiful picture of the sunrise over the valley! It never gets old. Remember how in Sims 2, it would be dark and then suddenly be light? Good times... But not really. Haha!
Well thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it despite the long wait... Next chapter you'll get to see Ozzie and Sydney's baby finally!! Hope you're excited!!!! Any comments are always appreciated :) See you soon, if I'm lucky! Happy Simming!