The Richmond Legacy: Generation 7, Chapter 5 Part 2

Dec 17, 2010 23:38

Hopefully you read Part 1 first!!

But in fact, I did confuse the hell out of all my sims by getting sick of Twinbrook and moving them to Sunset Valley! The place of their ancestry :3

Non-moldy beaches FTW!

Awww, good old SV. I missed this place <3

Jade was wearing her everyday!

And Miles and Phee had a little cute couple moment.

I love the way they look at each other, I really do. <3

And Carter went to try out the ocean for fishing! I never sent him in Twinbrook because it was too far away, but this one is right in their backyard! And I don't worry about him getting strange radiation from the water xD

Sydney: "Uhh... what? It was like midnight and now it's 9 a.m. I know I'm old but I SWEAR I did not pass out for those nine hours."

Lol, who wants to explain to poor Syd? xD

It was then that I finally remembered to fix a glitch... Autumn's age got reset or something, so she had longer left in Young Adulthood than Miles had in Adulthood >_> So even though there's now this big weird gap, I'll age them to elder at the same time.

This picture. Omg. If it didn't give away the twins as teens, it would've been the title. God I love this picture. It should be the legacy's motto.

Ruby: "Sweetness! :D"

Miles: "HAHAHAHAHA!" (he's been sniffing the incense again...)

Jade: "WHOA!!! Almost fell over there! I'm so excited!!!!"

Sydney: "Hahah... yaaaay, man...." (she has too)

I swear they all look high here xD

All four of them: "Well that was fun."

Ruby: "Money."

Figures >.<

Anyway, here's our Phee! She didn't age half bad, I think! I'm still just glad she's alive xD

The one bad thing about the move was that the portraits disappeared :\ Shoulda put them in the family inventory I guess. Oh well, I got them all re-painted, don't worry!

Reina went to spend some time at the park with her beloved guitar...

... oh and her husband xD

Reina: "Isn't it weird that I grew up here as a really little girl?"

Whoa.... That is weird.

See the science facility back there? And way beyond that, see the pinkish Alto house? Yeah, right in there, that's where we live. See how freaking far away EA decided the junkyard should be from our house? >_>

Carter: "Who cares about junk when you can catch fish?!"

He loves the "private beach" we have :P

I've decided Phee is my favorite spouse ever (although I have to say, Gabe, Jay, and Liza have all come close...), so she deserves a portrait even though I really only do heirs. :3

Ruby: "So listen Jadey, I have a question for you."

Ruby: "Will you be my BFF? Best friend FOREVER? Pleeeeaaasseeee?"

Jade: "Really? Awesome! Yes!"

Ruby: "YAY!"

I've never done that before, for some reason xD

I sent them to try out the drafting tables, because it was too cute a shot to miss :3 I think it'd be adorable if Ruby became a fashion designer and Jade became an architect!

Oh hey, Gabe finished his LTW! That's pretty awesome!

Gabe: "Yay. Checkmate."

xD So enthusiastic.

Jade: "That's right, player number 14, that's what you get for spiting my team! I'll show you who's boss!!"

I think her parents' crazed athleticism is getting to her head...

Another tragedy of the move was that all the leftovers went bad in the fridge :\ So there was a LOOOTTT of cooking going on :P

Miles: "But I wanted that counter space!!! >:("

Sydney: "Sucks for you kid. Pros before ho's."

Phee: *sigh* "My life is average."

Actually, those two's lives are.


Anyway! That's the end of another chapter :) I decided not to give up, so I did finish in one sitting! It just took me 2.5 hours (and that doesn't even count the hour I spent uploading, organizing, editing, and copy/pasting HTML links for, the screenshots :P). Time for Abby to get some SLEEP! I'll do what will be 3 days' worth of 30 days of me, tomorrow sometime :P

I hope you liked the chapter! I know it was long and rambling at times xD My brain is pretty fried right now. However, please do still comment! You know how I love your comments :) Thanks as always for reading guys! See you next time, which will hopefully be soon! And happy simming!

richmond legacy, generation 7

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