Generation 7 Sibling Updates: Jade & Chris

Jan 22, 2011 19:08

Author's Note: Hello, and welcome back to the Richmond legacy! :D It's time for Jade's sibling update everyone! Woo! Also, another chapter will probably be out tomorrow or even later tonight (unless I go to a friend's house), because I've gotten to a point that I can't play past without your input :P You'll see next chapter ;D Also, one side note in case anyone cares - I've added a link to the Anniversary Family Tree update in the post that links you to the Family Echo version of the family tree. Not that you necessarily want to go back and read that lol, but if you did, now you can find it easily ;D I'm thinking of making an archive, also! But I don't have the time right now xD AND, in case any of you still remember that rainbow legacy I started a while back, that IS still going, and I have another chapter shot, but for reasons you'll find out later, I'm on a schedule this generation, lol. So I'm thinking once I get through gen. 8, I'll continue more with them. :) Well, enough of me talking! Let's get on with it.

The Richmond Legacy: Generation 7 Sibling Updates: Jade & Chris


The first thing I did when I began stalking playing these two was send them to get jobs. Chris is going to work in the culinary career!

Hiiiiii Phee!!! :D Getting an after-work snack?

Phee: "Durrr, whaa?"

Thought so xD

Jade joined the music career!

Here's a quick overview of their house. Once again a one-bedroom :\ However this one's living room is much bigger!

Just as important as jobs is the second thing these two start doing ;D

And hey, why not, right? :P

Jade: "I do not see the value of this."

It's a big bunny hopping around singing songs. What value is there to get?

Jade: "Exactly! So then why am I watching it?"

Uh.... Because I want twins or triplets? :D

Chris: "Don't worry honey, you can stop watching TV now because I made lunch!"

Jade: "Lunch? ... Blaaaahahahahahahhhhgggghhhhhhhhh"

Chris: "That doesn't sound so good."

Time passes quickly with two working sims. Chris liked to paint in his spare time, and Jade was always in front of the TV (not necessarily by choice :P)

Soon she found out she was officially pregnant! :D And she picked a cute dress, too xD

She rolled a want for autumn salad in the park, so I figured she might as well, they live about a block away!

Jade: "Mmmm, this is tasty!!"

I spotted Bianca and made her come over!

Hon, shouldn't you be at home with your five toddlers?

Bianca: "I. Needed. A break."

You look like it :P

Jade: "Aww, hi in there little baby!"

Bianca: "You have no idea what you're in for."

Jade: "What was that?"

Bianca: "Oh, nothing..."

Despite Bianca's ominous prediction, Chris and Jade were both really excited for their soon-to-come baby!

Chris: "Aww, I can feel it moving!"

Chris: "Crap! The washing machine broke!"

Well, fix it then :D

Chris: "Ow."

That didn't go too well xD

Chris: "You're tellin' me?"

Pretty soon, the days had flown by and Jade was in labor!

Why are you in your bathing suit, again?


Sorry, sorry.


And it's a BOY!!!

Well, two boys actually! :D

Immediately they were up to the cake! :D

Ohh my golly, he is adorable! This little cutie is Thomas (named after Thomas Paine - yes, I was still on the English homework naming scheme xD). He's got his father's eyes AND hair, but his face is all Jade!

And this adorable one is Edgar! (A.k.a. Edgar Allen Poe!) He also has his dad's hair, but he has Phee's eyes! Her genes are strong!

I am in love <3

And of course, what's a sibling update without a baby in the oven? So, we try for more >:D

Jade: "Good morning little man!"

Thomas: "Hi mama! :D"

Chris: "Hey buddy! How are you!"

Edgar: "I's good! I's good papa!"


Edgar: "Hee hee! Bwocks! I's pwayin' bwocks!"

Thomas: "Well, I has a bunny!"

Thomas: "Do yew wants my bunny?"


Jade: "DAMN! Sink broke!"

Thomas: "Yew otay mama?"

Jade: "Yes honey, everything is fine! You're such a sweetheart!"

Thomas: "Wook! A puddle! Horsey likes da puddle! :D"

Later that evening Jade's second pregnancy was confirmed :D

Ah, the joys of toddlers :\ All though I must say, twins is MUCH easier than triplets!

Thomas: "Eeeh, dis potty fingy is hawd!"

Baby belly <3

Let toddler boot camp begin!

Soon Jade went into labor!


They're in the fridge honey!

Jade: "PANCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!"

Chris: "Aaah!!! Pancakes!! Give the woman her pancakes!!!!!!!"

Jade: "You're useless. Go away."

xD Someone's a cranky pregnant woman!

Chris apparently took her advice though xD


No no, those are waffles. Don't worry.

Jade: "Oh good! I NEEEEEED those pancakes!!!"

And it's a GIRL!!! :D

In fact - it's THREE girls!!! xD

(And looks like Jade really was hungry xD)

I expanded the living room to fit all the cribs.

Five toddlers. Again.


Jade: "You're kidding, right?"

Edgar: "Waaah! I want more attention! And I's stinky!!"

One of the triplets: "This family is insane."

Time for them to grow up!

This little cutie is Phillis! I know, I know, it's a HORRIBLE name. (No offense to anyone named Phillis :P) I'll explain the name on the next slide. This one's face is entirely Jade, again, but her hair and eyes are straight from Miles!

This one is Wheatley! :3 See, Phillis Wheatley was the first published African-American female poet in the US :P So I thought even though it's not a great name, it's an inspiring one! (And I'd DEFINITELY been doing too much English homework xD). This one's hair and eyes are directly from Phee - the grandparents' genes are seriously coming on strong! I think her face is her father's though :)

And last but not least, Allena! (The female version of Allen, like Edgar Allen Poe, I guess :P). She and Edgar and her cousin Poe should be friends! xD Anyways, SHE IS ADORABLE! I think she's my favorite of all the spares' kids. Although Emersona is a cutie too! Anyway. She also has Miles's hair! But she seems to have these random dark green eyes, which may be random, or they may be from Ozzie! Her great-grandpa.


Although how can you resist that face? <3

Or that one!

Jade: "Aww, we both look just like my mommy, don't we!"

Wheatley: "Hehehe!!! :D"

The boys play very nicely together, it's sweet!

While Allena prefers to play with a bunny :3

And Phillis likes her blocks!

Wheatley: "I wanna pway wif a bunny too!! ... Hey! You's not a bunny! You's a beary!"


So Jade, I think this is where I will leave you :P

Jade: "With five toddlers? Just like you ditched my brother? Great."

Sorry xD I gotta get back to the main household!

Jade: "Excuses excuses."

Edgar: "Yeah!"

I'll miss you guys and your tempers :P

And so, in slightly less chaos (but really pretty much the same amount), I leave Jade, Chris, and their five toddlers. :P

And this is where I leave you, too! Let me know what you guys think of all the kids! Am I just sadistic? Lol, who knows! :P Comments are, as always, greatly appreciated!!!! :D Hopefully we'll have another chapter this weekend, especially since I really want to keep playing and I can't right now :P You'll see why soon! Well, that's all folks! Happy simming!

richmond legacy, generation 7, sibling updates

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