Author's Note: Wow, this chapter has a long title! Lol. ANYway, welcome back to the Richmond Legacy, everyone! I know it's been forever since a chapter's been out... Sorry! Hope you're still reading ;D Well, this chapter is the first half of Ollie's sibling update, although it's really more like a regular chapter, for the most part. Part 2 will hopefully not take me another month to get out! xD Well, that's all I've got to say... Read on, and enjoy! :D
The Richmond Legacy: Generation 8 Sibling Updates: Oliver, Part 1
Sydney: "Oh yeah! I love me some string bass!"
She masters skills SO fast as a vampire! It's all I can do to keep her occupied xD She seems to like the bass though :3
Simself: "YAWN! I am not impressed with the stylist that's on my front steps!"
Ruby: "That's because I'm in disguise. This hideous hair and make-up is a cover so the FBI won't find me!"
Simself: "Yeah, right! You pretend to be so evil, Ruby Richmond, but you wouldn't steal candy from a baby, let alone have the FBI on your tail!"
Ruby: "That's right, Abby, think whatever you want >:D"
Simself: "Thanks for the new PJs! I love them!"
Of course you do! I designed them, and I'm you!
Simself: "That... was almost as confusing as when Harry and Hermione went back in time."
That's my favorite part of that book!
Simself: "Me too!"
What a coincidence *rolls eyes*
Adria: "Ah, I love the outdoors! It's so beautiful out here!"
Adria: "Hehehe! Sprinklers are funny!"
You my dear, make an adorable elf.
Adria: "I still think you're crazy for deciding that."
Aw come on! You have to admit it fits you.
Callie: "Where did the house go?"
>_> I hate when this happens.
Oh Ollie xD
Hayden: "Despite the fact that none of the stuff is loaded yet, this is still an awesome picture."
Mmhmm. You're fascinating. What'chya reading?
Hayden: "It's called I'm Still Cool, actually."
Appropriate. xD
Remember Anne Song,
the annoying paparazzi that has been stalking Sydney forever? She's back, and she seems to have gone vampire in an attempt to impress her favorite celebrity xD
Autumn: *smirks* "I know you think you're all that, Mr. Boatie, but the truth is, I win in the awesomeness competition."
Phee: "OOOOH! A hidden button that activates the headlights!? ... I take it back, Boatie. You're the awesomest of all <3"
Adria: =D
I have a problem; I can't stop taking pictures of her xD
Oliver: "Take this, little sis! I'm growing up today and YOU'RE NOT! >:D"
Adria: "YAY OLLIE!!! GOOOO!!"
Oliver: "Is she... cheering for me? That's not normal."
Adria: "I just tripped... Did anyone see?!"
Nope... no one... just the readers ;D
Hayden: "YAY! VAMPIRES! :D"
2 seconds ago you were gagging for the same reason.
Hayden: "And...?"
Ruby: "Son... you look almost as mismatched and ugly as I do."
Oliver: "Now that's cold!"
Ruby: "Don't worry, I'm sure we can leave you this way if you'd like."
Oliver: "Mo-om! :("
Ruby: "Just kidding, darling. But we have GOT to get you out of that shirt... It does not flatter your stomach at all!"
Oliver: "Are you calling me fat?!"
Ruby: "Uh... certainly not, Ollie my dear! Just... a different shirt will be better."
Ollie: "Thanks. :\ Hey, at least I don't smell like a pig that just rolled in horse shit."
Ruby: "That was uncalled-for!"
Anyway, bickering aside, here's Ollie as a YA! He looks basically the same xD He rolled Virtuoso, which totally would have made him a more interesting teenager, but eh. He wants to be a rock star when he grows up :')
Oliver: "Mom, this is so boring!"
Ruby: "Why is everyone yawning at me lately?!"
The next day, I sent Ollie to his future wife, Marissa's, house!
It appears her shirt is quite glitchy xD
Oliver: "Nice to meet you... I can feel that I'm shaking your hand, but I can't see it.... O.o"
Marissa: "What's that? Is there a problem?"
Oliver: "No... no problem... none at all. o.O"
When I'm really zoomed out I can see her shirt..... Weird.
Ruby: "Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight!"
Uh..... ?
Ruby: "This is my 'evil dance'."
Yes... In your pink polka-dot lingerie. You look soooo evil.
Ruby: "Thank you!"
Sarcasm...? Never mind.
I swear! She gains skill so fast! Not normal!
Sydney: "I've mastered piano. Now what?"
Oliver: "You know, seeing a woman topless really turns me on ;)"
Marissa: "I've been told I look great without a shirt. ;)"
Hehe! This is so entertaining!
Oliver: "All that invisibility must tire out your back.... Have a massage!"
That was as close an emoticon as I could get to her facial expression. xD Also, the only reason I had him to a massage was to see what it would look like with an invisible torso. I am easily amused xD
Marissa: "BRB."
Marissa: "To the bathroom OK? Chill!"
Ruby: "Mo-o-om, how did you beat me at tag if your pixels aren't even loaded yet?!"
Phee: "Superior skill. What can I say!"
Callie: "WHOA! Look at these pictures! Mom's YOUNG!"
Callie: "And she had normal hair! And makeup that matched!"
Those were the days, eh?
Adria: "Hehe! Little Yellow, you'll never catch me! I have the sprinkler's protection now!"
Little Yellow (the butterfly): "But I wanted to play tag!"
Adria: "Too bad! Sprinklers are the new trend!"
Adria: "AAAAH! :D"
This is all she does. I leave her alone for 2 seconds, and this. I swear.
....But it's so cute :3
Oliver: "I love you. Passionately. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me....."
Oliver: ".... wall?"
Practicing for when Marissa gets back?"
Oliver: "Nah. I love the wall now. Marissa will have to move on."
Oh quit it. Go find her, I don't think she's brave enough to leave the bathroom!
Oliver: *is adorable*
Marissa: "What's up, babe?"
Oliver: "I have something for you."
Marissa: "Oh, yeah? What is it?"
Nawww <3 He loves her despite her physical deformities! xD
Marissa: "Oh Ollie! I love the feeling of your hands on my back!"
Can you even feel anything, if there's nothing there?
Marissa: "Don't be judgmental! I'm not that different from you!"
Well, you're pixels, first of all.....
Marissa: "You're the one talking to me!"
>_> She has a point...
Phee: "Wait... What?"
Ruby: "This is fun! :D"
Wh....... No....... D:
Phee: "Whoa."
Ruby: "THIS IS SO FUN. :D"
D: That's low, even for you Ruby!
Ruby: "Wait... She's not kidding?! MOMMY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Grim: "Muahahahahaaaaa!!!!!!!!!"
I'm still coloring your name pink, Grimmy.
Grim: "But you don't color anyone else's names anymore!"
Laziness. But you deserve it. How could you steal my Pheeeeee?! :(
Phee: "Hey, it's the next great adventure, right?"
Hippie, through and through. I swear.
Ruby: "Not my mommy!!! Please!!!!!"
They were the best of friends :(
Beautiful Phee, we will miss you <3
Life had to go on, though. I kept myself entertained by watching invisible-torsoed Marissa making dinner xD
* * *
Doesn't it look so weird? Lol.
But the sadness still lingers in the house. The empty bed where Phee and Miles once slept, still unmade...
The picture that hangs on the wall, of them holding one another under the stars...
Hayden: "God, grief really makes this family let itself go."
Hayden: "This place is disgusting."
Callie: *chokes on the odor*
Hayden: "Fine, then, mother. I'll clean it all up."
It's interesting to watch Ruby's Neurotic and Slob traits conflicting... She never cleans up dishes automatically, but always rolls wishes for it xD
Adria: "Hello!? My grandma just died! I can't clean up after myself!!"
Hayden just picked up about 8 plates. I'm sure you can handle the one.
Poor Ruby. :(
Oliver seemed less affected by the death. I think it was the romance that was in the air ;D
Ooh, do I spy a blue mohawk...?
It is! Hi, VJ! :3
VJ: "Yeah, not awkward at all, my ex-girlfriend's son just happens to be in the area."
Yeah, don't worry... You were the first man she dumped, but certainly not the last.
Aww, it seems Marissa has obtained a non-glitchy shirt during the night. Sad! :P
They are just as in love as ever, it seems <3
Marissa: "What?? A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!"
Pee on Ollie for all I care... He has an important question for you!
Oliver: "She's so beautiful, even when she does have a shirt on."
Marissa: "I'm walking, OK voice? You proud of me?"
Sort of, but...
Spoiled Mac & Cheese Marissa Made Yesterday: *stinks*
Yeesh woman, put away your food before it spoils!
Marissa: "Can I not do anything right?!"
Not really :)
Oliver: "Marissa, I need to ask you something..."
Marissa: "What is it?"
Mac & Cheese: "Yeah, what??"
It's been out so long it's become mutated and can talk O.o
Oliver: "I love you more than anything, Marissa! I want to spend the rest of my life with you... Will you marry me?"
Marissa: =O
Mac & Cheese: "I was not expecting that!"
Marissa: "Me either!!!! Wait.. I just talked to my rotten mac & cheese."
Marissa: "Yes! Yes! Of course, Oliver!"
Oliver: =)
Mac & Cheese: "You cut me out of the cutest picture of the lot! How could you?!"
They got married on the spot, of course! Richmond-style.
Mac & Cheese: "Come on, half of me?! Can't I be fully in the wedding picture?! I'm practically family!"
You may now kiss the bride! ... Or her nose. >_<
Back at home, Adria is painting... Not playing in the sprinkler?! SHOCK! But still in her bathing suit, so... xD
And these two, my workaholic and my genius? Reading and doing homework, of course! What else!?
I will leave you (for now, at least ;D) with this adorable picture of these two. And we all know what happens next.... ;D In part 2, I promise we will see some little feet pattering around :3 Hopefully I'll have time to get that out soonish! Until then, thanks for reading guys!!! Don't forget to comment <3 And happy simming! :)