Author's Note: Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Richmond Legacy! :D Sorry for the long wait! Things have been crazy with the end of the year and everything, plus I got sick, but everything is getting better now that it's officially summer! Woot! Anyway, here at last is the final installment of Hayden & Callie's sibling updates! I guess I kind of dragged it out... What can I say, I'm a compulsive screenshot-taker :P And, obviously, a compulsive rambler... I haven't said anything really in this author's note, so I'll just end it here! Enjoy your latest installment of the Richmonds :)
The Richmond Legacy: Generation 8 Sibling Updates: Hayden & Callie, Part 3
Warning: Mild language, sim nudity, and a chapter that's almost as much about Adria as Hayden xD
We start off this chapter with the whole household (four women, wow that's odd) celebrating a double birthday - Adria's and Ruby's!
Adria: "Hell yes, I'm gonna be a young adult!"
Ruby: "NOOOO, I don't wanna be old!!!" *sobs*
Well... they always did have different personalities xD
Well, I'm still too afraid to edit Ruby in CAS, in case she does crash the game... I guess I'll never know if I don't try, but I figured she looks presentable enough that I won't bother. So, this is Rubes' "CAS shot" xD
Ruby: "Couldn't you have waited til I was making a nice face?!"
Like you'd ever pose for a picture without making faces.
Ruby: "...True, true."
Ruby's still the best stylist in the house :3
Ruby: "Ooh, honey, we're gonna need to do A LOT of work with you... Oh, WHERE did you get that hideous skirt?! Darling, darling, let me fix you up. Please don't ever dress yourself again."
YAY HERE'S ADRIA AS A YA! <3 She gained Virtuoso, which I may or may not have given to her >_> I wanted to do the One Sim Band thing, ok?! xD Lol. Anyway, she's still as cute and elfy as ever, and I gave her her toddler hairstyle back :3
Adria: "HECK YEAH! :D My makeover ROCKS!"
Ruby's finally high enough in the stylist career that her work uniforms are starting to actually look decent xD Hooray!
And I know this is Hayden's chapter, but well... I couldn't resist getting this done as well. Ladies and gents, meet Alec :3
Adria's future hubby ^_^
Adria: "Hmm, let me inspect... Yes, he's a fine specimen... Ah, indeed, rock-solid abs, yes, that's good... Mmmhmm, excellent chest, very hardy... And good shoulders, too, that's a plus.. Yes, I think he will do. Pleasure to meet you, Alec. You've passed the sexy test."
Congratulations, Adria, you win the award for "most awkward moment to perform a trait animation." xD
Alec: "NO WAY! :D"
I'm going to like these two xD
Hey there, sweetie... hard day at the office?
Hayden: "Shut up. You say that to everyone who comes home like this. Seriously, find something original."
Yeah, yeah, you're just cranky because you got singed at work. Nya nya :P
Hayden: =(
HEHE! I was waiting for this moment >:D
Alexis: "Is there someone behind me?"
Oh, no one, just an older, balding version of yourself. xD
Alec: "Hang on, I'll be right back, let me just go pee."
OMG. This happens every time! I swear! xP
Anyway... At the park, Alexis and Hayden are getting their flirt on.. Ah, a bit.. well... Let's just say hills don't work so well in Sims xD
And they finally get married! Yay!
Alexis: "Hey.. hey Hayden! Is anyone home?"
Hayden: "I don't think so... Why?"
Alexis: "Come here, I have a great idea!"
Alexis: "Skinny dipping! And yess!! She got in too!! :D"
Hayden: *switches spots*
Alexis: "Hey there, baby ;D"
Hayden: "Oh God. Look who else is here."
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: "What?? I just wanted to join the party! Don't mind me.. I won't be loud."
Alexis: "Mood.......... ruined."
Hayden: "Told you."
Alexis: =|
Hayden: "Look, isn't my foot weird!?"
Actually... why are you wearing jeans and sneakers when you're supposed to be skinny dipping?
Hayden: "Told you! See, sometimes we sims aren't crazy for looking at our feet!"
Alexis: "Think we could get the mood going again, even though that creepy gnome is watching?"
Hayden: "I think so ;D"
Bubble heart! My favorite part of hot tubs xD
And then... there was a toddler!
Nah, just kidding. But guess whose kid this is!!!
That's right... It's Jade and Chris's SIXTH baby! (Not sure why Jade isn't an elder yet, since her twin sister grew up, but... >.<)
I think his name is Daren, and he looks exactly like his papa!
Scarlet (I think that's who the orange shirted one is): "Mom, what the HELL were you thinking having another kid?"
Jade: "I'm sorry! D: I wasn't thinking at all!"
Oh well, there are like 7 adults in the house, I'm sure you'll find a way to take care of him :P You're the one who raised five toddlers simultaneously, after all! *cough not that it was my fault cough*
Paper boy: "Boooo! Ruby sucks! Boooo!"
Aww! Hey, Ruby's awesome! Don't knock her!
Ruby: "Eh, let 'em talk. It helps my reputation as a badass."
Hayden: "I'm suddenly getting the urge to read pregnancy books! Strange..."
Indeed >:D
Aww, Alec and Adria met up at the park and he looked like this the whole time xD How cute!
Adria: "OMG, there he is!" :D *points*
Hayden: "Blahhhh! I feel horrible! That's weird because I DON'T WANT CHILDREN!"
*shifty eyes* What? Did you guys hear something? It sounded like Hayden was saying how much she wants to have multiple children! Well...
I can help with that! >:D
Alexis: "I like Hayden. She inspires me..."
Alexis: "To dance! :D Shake your groove thing, shake your groove thing, yeah yeah!"
I love the party animal trait xD He does all this himself!
Hayden: "Look, I'm pregnant!"
I am going to kill that outfit. :\
Adria: "Voiceeee... I can't sleep here, my great-great-grandfather is on the bed!"
These ghosts, I swear. :P
Look, we have a vampire gnome!
... That is the creepiest thing ever.
How did I get it? D: It scares me :(
This gnome is much cooler! And less creepy... well, less creepy-looking. He did creep on Alexis and Hayden's hot tub adventures...
Gnome: "Do the creep! Ahhhh!"
Hayden: "OMG I love this show!"
Which one?
Hayden: "Dragon Tales! Best show ever!"
... *cough* Uh, no, she's not watching the kids' channel... *whistles innocently*
Also, she so reminds me of Autumn here! *sniffle*
Adria: "I LOVE THIS THING! Instruments are the coolest!"
I love this picture <3 Adria is so cute!
I got her portrait done! :D I finally used the still life feature instead of the "paint a portrait" option and I loooove it so much more!!! <3 Idk why I didn't think of it before xD
Sydney: "Super vampire running powers!!! Wooo!!!"
That is a weird-looking running trail... or whatever it is.
Sydney: "It's the physical manifestation of my superpowers!"
Oh, you're just full of yourself.
Alexis: "Break it down, pregnant whale! Let's dance!"
Hayden: "He makes me feel pretty even when I'm fat!"
By addressing you as 'pregnant whale'?
Hayden: "Isn't it romantic?!"
Uh... yep! >_>
Well... I guess you're good together, then... xD
Aww :3
Adria: "And then he said 'pregnant whale' and my sister totally thought it was romantic! Hehehe!"
Alec: "Oh, stop!! You're so funny! I might piss myself!"
Adria: "Hehehe!"
Malcolm: "HAAAIIII GUUIIIIISE!!! I'm here for the party!!!"
Alec: "Heh.. Uh.. Adria? Don't look now, but there's a creepy blonde guy behind you watching us..."
Adria: "Huh? Oh, psh, I'm sure it's nothing. Don't worry."
Alec: "Uh, yeah. Except... It's really pretty weird."
Alec: "But... I'd rather just look at you :3"
Adria: "Aww... *snort* Alec that's so sweet!"
What a face xP
Malcolm: "GUYS!! THERE'S A FENCE IN MY WAY! Hey... Why's the gate locked?! Guys?!?"
Adria & Alec: *are oblivious*
Ruby: "Honey, I think you're going to be a great mom!"
Hayden: "Aww, really? Mom, thanks, that means a lot!" *person person plus*
Ruby: "Haha, just kidding! You'll probably be rubbish."
Hayden: "Thanks mom. =|"
Ruby: "We both seem to have stood up at the same moment."
Hayden: "Indeed. I think..."
Hayden: "Uh........?"
Hayden: "Oh sh*t! I'm in labor!"
Hayden: "My mom is so annoying sometimes."
If it wasn't so dark in this picture, this would've been my new userpic. (Which you'll see next chapter :D)
Adria: "Hey Alec?"
Alec: "Yeah?"
Malcolm: "Guyyyyyyyyyyyyyysssss... I feel so left out!"
Adria: "Whattaya think?"
Alec: "I think I like you :3"
Adria: "So then... Be my boyfriend?"
Alec: "Duh!"
*more smooches*
Hayden: "UM HELLO! Not to be the attention-seeker here but CAN WE FOCUS ON THE CURRENT ISSUE?!"
Ruby: "Yeah and I have another question actually. Now that she's giving birth, can we turn of that damn kids music?! That is the most obnoxious thing I have ever heard in my life."
*sigh* Fine, fiiine. You two are so needy.
Hayden & Ruby: "Thanks."
Hayden: "Oh this would be so much easier if I just had a wrench..."
Alexis: "That is some nice incense!"
Hayden: "Honey, can you get me a wrench please?!?"
Um. well then. I'll just be going...?
Alexis: "WAIT! Why is she wearing that?!? I told her no role-play until the baby was born! I know she feels fat, but she doesn't need to do this to heighten her self-esteem! D: WHAT'S GOING ON!?"
OHKAY, too much information!
I call this picture "Couples." xD
Anyway, IT'S A BOY!
Actually, TWO boys! :D Wow, two sets of boy twins this generation! And Ollie has one boy... Where are my girls D:
Anyway, these two are named.. wait for it... Harry and Ron. xD I'm sorry, I'm just a Harry Potter nerd. Forgive me xD
Alexis: "Hey, why is the vampire holding my child? I don't trust her."
Sydney: "Nonsense! I won't suck his blood, he's adorable!"
Alexis: *snuggles baby*
Have you ever watched the snuggle interaction from this angle?! It's the cutest thing I've ever seen! His little hand is on his shoulder... Aww!
Alexis: "I still don't trust her >:|"
We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you Poe Richmond! One of Carter and Bianca's children, and probably my favorite spare kid! She's so cute! She looks a lot like Bianca <3
Alexis: "Hey, sweetie, where'd you put that apron thing? I was diggin' that..."
Hayden: *sigh* "Men."
This is Ron! He's a slob and hates the outdoors (hey, there are spiders out there!). I was so sad he didn't get his mom's red hair! So I dressed him in maroon as punishment xD
(I totally should've just dyed his hair, but I didn't think of it til he'd moved out :P)
Ruby: "You know, I like Ron exactly the way he is! Don't judge him just because he doesn't have the right hair color for your tastes."
Ron: "I hates mawoon :("
But ladies and gentlemen...
THIS IS HARRY! Omg. He got Moscow's (his grandad's) black hair!!!!! I swear I did not dye his hair! He grew up this way! I had the biggest nerd moment ever xD I dressed him in Gryffindor colors since he was a good boy and got the right hair color, lol.
Harry loves the outdoors, and is absent-minded. Hey, he has a lot on his plate, finding those horcruxes and all! Lol... nerdy... :3
Ruby: "I forgot why I hated toddlers til just now."
Oh stop! You don't hate your grandkids, don't lie to yourself.
Harry: "Lumos!"
Ron: "He needs to sort out his priorities. He should've used Accio to get an adult to pay attention to him, like I did."
Ruby: "...What."
ANYWAY, I decided to move this nerdy little family out before I overloaded anyone with Harry Potter references xD
Hayden: "It WOULD have been really cool if he had my hair..."
Yeah, it's too bad.. Well, maybe someday I'll send Ruby over to dye it for him, we'll see.
Adria: "GOODBYE SISTER! I love you! I'll miss you!"
Hayden: "MEH."
And this is where these four ended up! Nice and big, I like it! :D Maybe they'll have more babies ;D Although with Hayden's Dislikes Children trait, I kind of doubt it... Oh well.
Anyway, that's all for now! Thanks for reading, everyone! I hope you enjoyed this slightly odd chapter xD I am probably going to start right in on a chapter of the Carraways... We'll see! But either way, I hope you comment and tell me what you think of the boys! :3 Have a great day :D