Author's Note: Hi again guys! Time for ANOTHER chapter of the Carraways! xD I know I know, I'm totally favoring them over the Richmonds right now D: I haven't forgotten my lovely Richmond simmies though, so never fear! I just want to get to the heir poll, which is right after this chapter! Woo! :D I would've gotten this out last night, but I went to Six Flags yesterday and I was way too tired at the end lol! Fear of heights + fear of throwing up does not = big fan of roller coasters :P But I forced myself to get over it and I actually had a good time! So there! Lol, I was proud of myself. Also, I got tan ^_^ ANYWAY after all of that, which has nothing to do with the chapter at all, let's read some Carraway goodness! :3
The Carraway ISBI: Generation 1, Chapter 6
Last time, Atticus became a teenager, Adelyn became a child, Anthony danced a lot, Atticus fished a lot (and made us some bank! ;D), and Addy got a million bedtime stories read to her. We were also introduced to the new house, which looks exactly like the old house but with a little more wiggle room. Missed the chapter? It's probably because it was only 3 days ago. xD Now, if you're still here, on with the chapter! :D
Anthony: Ugh, now I'M having a mood swing! D:
Adelyn: Are you sure you're not just hungry? I'm feeling pretty peckish myself, actually.
I tried that with Attie the other day... Didn't work. xD
Anthony: Why doesn't anyone understand me! :(
Anthony: Guess I'll just have to pour my angst into this painting! The red symbolizes anger.
Wait... what? YOU are doing your homework?!
Adelyn: What's it to YOU?
Wait, BOTH of you? You're the ones that never do your homework! :O
Adelyn: Don't get cocky, we can stop anytime.
Atticus: I remembered why I don't do my homework. -_-
Adelyn: UGH! I broke the sink!!!
Nicola: Why'd you do a dumb thing like that?!
Hey now, let's be nice...
Nicola: All right, kid, I understand you're just really tired, so I forgive you. Want me to read you a bedtime story?
Addy: Yes please!
Nicola: Okay, ready?? Unlike your daddy, I'm actually going to read you a normal book for your bedtime story.
Adelyn: Yay!!
Nicola: Once upon a time, there was a girl named Bella. She loved a vampire but he didn't pay attention to her so she was sad. Then she found out he was only ignoring her for her own safety, and that made her desperately want him to pay attention to her. Girls like dangerous men, honey, it's just a fact.
Adelyn: Says who?
Nicola: Have you seen Transformers 2?!
I just watched that recently lol, good movie!
Sorry o.O
Nicola: So Bella and Edward got together and then everyone was out to get them and then Edward left Bella for her safety and then Bella was depressed and pined away for him for like six months and then finally some stuff happened that we don't care about and she went and saved Edward from being revealed and thus killed -- even though it would've been his own damn fault if he did -- and they lived happily ever after until the second book.
Adelyn: Why do people read these books? That sounded really dumb.
Nicola: Now now, sweetie, don't criticize it, I just read you the condensed version.
Adelyn: Well, I hated it.
Nicola: Bored you right to sleep, right baby? Good. Sweet dreams.
Nicola: Hey baby. I've missed you; I'm sorry I've been so busy.
Leo: I've missed you too! But don't apologize. Hey, but is that a broken sink over there?
Nicola: Ugh, I got it.
Nicola: *changes into swimwear* SHIT!!
Oh, how I love insane sims. Great timing on this outfit change xD
Addy had a ballet recital <3 I actually managed to get a picture of her little outfit, too!
But by the time her whole family emerged from the school, she was in PJs xD
Adelyn: *closes eyes* I don't know him, I'm not related to him; I don't know him, I'm not related to him...
Leo: Naw, honey, you did wonderfully! Congratulations :)
Nicola: I thought it sucked.
SHHH! You're terrible!
Adelyn: *sigh* This family is so... so... I don't even know.
Here are a few of the cute little things Addy got from Generations -- ballet shoes, a ballet trophy from her recital just now, and a sculpture from her field trip to the science lab.
Anthony: Heh heh heh!
Is that a booby-trapped sink I spy?
Anthony: Um... no? IT WASN'T ME I SWEAR!
Hey, Nicky needs to do the dishes anyway >:D
Anthony: Ha, mom, you're so screwed.
Nicola: What do you mean?
Nicola: I'll just turn on this-- OH SHIT!
Anthony: Haha, Mom looks like a fish.
I wanted her to make him grounded, because I haven't tried that out before, but the option wasn't available :(
Adelyn: La la la, I am a pretty princess! :D
She's so adorable.
By the way, around here you'll notice different wallpapers... I changed a few things the second time I had to decorate the house :P
Adelyn: Welcome, welcome to my kingdom!
It's ten times cuter when it's autonomous :3
Nicola: Fixing the damn sink AGAIN, I'm gonna shoot whoever did this in the face...
Nah, this is the time after the freeze that you fixed it, so technically you don't remember the other time it happened because technically it never did happen.
Nicola: Huh?
Adelyn: Here, mama, I'll mop the floor for you!
Then, finally, it was Addy's teen birthday! :D
The whole family came outside to look cute and/or cheer on their youngest member.
Gosh, her eyes look so gorgeous in this lighting.
Well ladies and gentlemen, here she is! :D She gained the Childish trait, yay! Love that one xD I also thought she'd look cute with short hair, but you guys should let me know what you think! Addy takes a LOT after Leo (she reminds me of Noelle Ink :3) but with Nicky's coloring.
Anthony: OH NO, I'M NEXT! What if the sparkles eat me?!?
Can anyone tell me what trait this is from? (He has Light Sleeper, Artistic, Party Animal, and Ambitious; otherwise I'd say it was Neurotic) He does it all the time and I find it weird with the traits he has. xD
Before Tony grows up, let's have a look at lovely Addy next to her parents! (I realized I should put lights in at this point lol) I think she takes a lot from both of them! :D Leo's chin but Nicky's lips, Leo's nose but Nicky's eyes, Leo's prominent eyebrows but Nicky's hair. I like it :)
Anyway, now it's Tony's turn!!
Anthony: I'm too scared :(
That's what I said right before I did one of the coolest roller coasters in the whole park! And I'm still alive ;D
Heeeeere he is!! :D I. LOVE. Tony. He's so handsome! He REALLY grew into his features, in my opinion. He takes his eyebrows, eyes, nose, and possibly mouth from Leo, but he has Nicky's chin, skin, and hair. LOVE <3 Some time ago, he rolled the LTW of Visionary (mastering painting and photography) so I took the liberty of giving him the Photographer's Eye trait. I'm pretty sure the rules say I can choose a trait if the sim earned me the ability to do so (since I didn't control them), but if not, that's now part of my rules. xD
And yeah, I dressed him a little gay-looking again *shifty eyes* Don't worry, that doesn't take him out of the running for heir!
Nicola: My son might be gay? O.O
Adelyn: I can't look.
Leo: *hits self in face with spinner in shock*
Atticus: I'm still in the shadows :(
That's right, Tony, rock those man-pris xD
Tony: =)
Adelyn: Mr Lefty: I like Tony best! I'm voting for him!
Adelyn: Mr Righty: HOW COULD YOU BE SUCH A TRAITOR!? You will be eaten!!! Nomnomnomnom!!!
Before we end the chapter, I decided to add in Tony's graduation ceremony :)
Anthony: Yay, time to graduate :D
... What's with the hat? o.O
The rest of the family came along in their lovely formal wear :)
Leo: I don't want my daughter wearing such revealing clothes. This is an important occasion for Anthony!
Adelyn: Suck it up Dad. Boys like it.
Leo: Exactly! I thought we said no dating til you're 30!
Atticus: Diamonds :)))))
Anthony: What if they don't give me my diploma?! What if they accidentally give mine to someone else?!? WHAT IF--
SHUT UP OKAY? Don't worry sweetie, you'll do great! Uh, aside from the douchebag hat, but...
I really, really like Atticus' formalwear. xD
Leo: Why didn't I get something that cool?
Hey, Amanda dressed you, not me ;D Just kidding. I changed a few things, but I thought this fit your personality ;P
Adelyn: Who's Amanda? And come to think of it, who's Noelle Ink?
Nicola: Welp, guys, time for the ceremony! *changes to swimwear* Does this make me look fat? Leo? Leo, do I look fat? I'm getting fat, aren't I? Oh, I don't want to get old!!
Leo: Honey, no, you--
Atticus: Just ignore her, Dad, she'll be quiet soon.
LOOK, Anthony, here's one of your NORMAL classmates, wearing a NORMAL graduation hat!
... Anthony?
Tony: Screw normal hats! I GOT MY DIPLOMA!
Anthony: HELL YES!
Nicola: Oh Tony, I'm so proud, I could eat lettuce! :')
Leo: *sigh*
Anthony: YES! Mom ate lettuce! That means she's really proud!
Adelyn: He really did have a screwed up childhood, didn't he?
Atticus: Not fair! My siblings get to be over there and look cute together, but I'm over here by all these weird people! WEIRD PEOPLE WILL EAT MY SOULLLL!!! HELP!!!
For his graduation, Tony received not only his diploma but 2 awards: Valedictorian (I'm so proud! :3) and "most likely to achieve LTW." They all hang in the room he shares with his brother :)
Adelyn: So Anthony, do you love men?
Anthony: Sis, you're so awkward. You know, just because I wear a pink scarf and man-pris doesn't mean I'm gay, okay? I just like to express my individuality.
Adelyn: You do a damn lot of dancing for a straight guy.
Anthony: Shut up.
Adelyn: And frankly, your dance moves are embarrassing. You know the voice has a camera, and takes pictures of everything you do, right?
Adelyn: You may want to be careful of that camera. It follows you everywhere. That's why I do such normal things. So the readers won't think I'm weird.
Anthony: And playing with the toy horse you've had since you were born is normal for a 16-year-old?
Adelyn: .............
Anthony: That's right, I went there.
Meanwhile, everyone else is, what else--skilling!
Atticus: I should've tried fishing in my formalwear before! This is awesome!
Nicola: Ditto about painting!
Leo: I don't know, this shirt is basically the same as my everyday shirt, so I don't feel much difference.
Atticus: *catches a piranha*
Nicola's Plumbbob: *is awkwardly in picture*
Adelyn: Man, maybe Tony was right about that horsey. Besides, everyone else in my family skills of their own accord, maybe I should too.
Anthony: That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it, uh huh uh huh!
Adelyn: Don't worry though, Horsey, I'll still protect you! *does Disciplined animation*
I love her PJs xD
Look at them! They're so good!
Leo: I'll make dinner tonight, guys, no worries!
Adelyn: Yes, and I'll do the laundry!
Oh hey, Nicola mastered gardening! Woo! It has NOTHING to do with her LTW, either! Yay! xP
(She wants to master Handiness and Logic. I'm not sure if I'll ever get her there *sniff*)
Especially because now I'm bugging her to do portraits!
Here are 2 she finished, both of herself. I couldn't choose which I liked more, so I kept both.
Tony: My mama is so pretty :)
Aww :3
Adelyn: Bleh bleh, I'm the voice and I take forever getting to the heir poll!
Anthony: Bluuuhh! Haha! Yeah! She's so slow!
Well, luckily, here's the end of the chapter! No more whining, k? xD
So yeah!! :D That's all I have for you guys! I hope you enjoyed! I have so much fun writing about these guys, I love them to death! And I can't believe there were actually no new fails this chapter! *is extremely shocked* How much you want to bet generation 2 fails every day just to spite me? :P Well, I'm going to go put up the HEIR POLL right now! :D But before you go over there, don't forget to comment!!! <3 How do you like Addy as a teen, and Tony as a YA?! Do you have a favorite yet?? I hope you do, because you have to pick soon! ;D Thank you for reading, as always, everyone! Happy simming!!