So Alicia left today. I got to hang out with her and everyone last night. It was fun, but sad. I'm gonna miss her, but hopefully we'll be together next year at USF. Anyways, today I went to Universal and IOA with my sister and her boyfriend. On the way there my sister let it slip that she and my ex-boyfriend, Mic went out to lunch a while ago. She told me that he had told her not to tell me about it and that we "hated" each other. Ok, let's get this straight. There's no reason at all to hide this from me, I never hated you I just hated how you treated me, and I just thought you were different. I mean, after the things I said about him in my last entry (well, the survey). I mean, it asked me who I missed and I said him because he's crazy and just fun or something like that. It's true. I miss the friendship we had. He sits there and says I'm his friend or whatever, but he's always so two faced sometimes. It's so strange how he's so nice to me on the phone, but he'll say something so crappy about me behind my face. Is that a friend? Everyone always asks me why I would even want to be his friend after all the crap that went on between us. See, no one really understands that he is a nice guy. I know he is, but he's also a huge ass. No one understands that, either. I'm convinced that I'm the only person he treats like absolute crap sometimes. It's as if I don't have feelings at all. Does he not realize that I'm human and I'm allowed to be offended by stuff like this? As far as Erin goes for iviting him to eat lunch with her.....that's just messed up. I would never in a million years go out to lunch with one of her ex's. That's just wrong. I don't care what way you look at it. That's f'd up. I just don't understand how one day he and I can be friendly and the next we're right back to being unfriendly. He's not even answering my IM's. To me, that's just offensive. At least have the decency to answer them. Honestly, he's so immature. Why do I bother?