(no subject)

Apr 02, 2005 23:13

Bold the things you've done.

1) walked a tightrope along train tracks
2) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
3) made a snow angel
4) had a tea party  used to all the time when i was little, before my mom sold my tea-set :'(
5) flown a kite
6) built a sand castle
7) gone puddle jumping
8) played dress up haha still do, gotta love the tickle trunk full of halloween costumues,
9) jumped into a pile of leaves
10) gone sledding
11) cheated while playing a game
12) been drunk are you fucking kidding me.
13) been lonely
14) fallen asleep at work/school
15) climbed a volcano
16) used a fake id
17) gone ice skating
18) watched the sun set
19) felt an earthquake
20) touched a snake
21) slept beneath the stars
22) ridden on a camel no, but i have a picture of my aunt in egypt on one, its hot.
23) climbed a mountain
24) smoked pot , kate & mar.. but then i got hiiiigh, haha
25) ridden in a taxi , those are fucking scary.
26) shoplifted
27) been fired
28) been on a blind date
29) had a crush on a teacher  - sarah, hes mine. back off, haha.
30) been arrested
31) been to europe
32) skipped school
33) played ‘clue’ and won, cause im sweet like that.
34) had a sleepover
35) been tickled frigg that.
36) seen a UFO i've seen one in a picture that my dad took.
37) told a lie , haha many times. 
38) been robbed
39) been misunderstood
40) been fishing , first time- fishing derby.. i was pro.
41) snuck into a movie , haha saw the last 10 minutes of some movies, it was hardcore.. and freakin scary.
42) consulted a psychic
43) petted a reindeer
44) won a contest . dont thinkk?
45) been to a zoo
46) seen your dad cry  ehh, bad memory.
47) ran a red light
48) been suspended from school
49) been in a car accident
50) had braces
51) felt like an outcast and loved it.
52) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
53) had a deja vu ,happens alot. its weird and freaakky.
54) touched a starfish , and had one as a pet! , its name was staru i think,, sarah also had one too :)
56) danced in the moonlight
57) hated the way you look all the time  - not all the time, just some of the time.
58) jousted/sword fought/jedi light thingys -  haha i wish I could be that freakin cool.
59) witnessed a crime
60) been spit on by a llama , i friggin wish.. i <3 llamass.
61) pole danced
62) met anyone famous
63) questioned your heart
64) been to the circus
65) been to jail
66) laughed during a sad scene in a movie/tv show - allll the time, haha katie - the notebook, and lex - ladder 49
67) played with an etch a sketch those are wikkid.
68) eaten caviar
69) been obsessed with post-it notes
70) hated your computer , untill i got a new one ;)
71) owned a pet luckyyy, & dumas & my fishiess.
72) made a banana-split
73) squished barefoot through the mud
74) been lost
75) fallen in love
76) had a midnight picnic
77) been skinny dipping
78) swam in the ocean um i live in a place surrounded by water. duh.
79) felt like dying
80) cried yourself to sleep
81) laughed in the middle of church  most likely.. im always laughing. and being a badasss hah
82) stepped on a nail so that it went into your foot  , nope but once a nail went in my knee =\
83) made homemade ice cream
84) actually enjoyed your classes dance classs.
85) used a magic 8 ball
86) made a flower chain necklace or other type of jewelry
87) played cops and robbers  with marissa on her b-day, after nicole gave her handcuffs & a night stick heh.
88) recently colored with crayons
89) seen a moose up close
90) sung karaoke me & sarah are the karaoke queens.
91) paid for a meal with only coins
92) done something you told yourself you would never do
93) played air guitar
94) tripped up the stairs haha ofcourse, im such a clutz.
95) had a crush on a family member
96) made a mud pie and then threw it at sarah, hahaa man im cruel.
97) made prank phone calls heck yes.
98) seen a broadway show on broadway
99) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
100) caught a snowflake on your tongue
101) danced in the rain
102) written a letter to Santa Clause
103) been kissed under a mistletoe
104) watched the sun rise with someone you care about
105) blown bubbles
106) made a bonfire on the beach
107) crashed a party
108) gone rollerskating well if rollarblading counts then yes.
109) cut down a christmas tree
110) played p’diddle
111) gotten a wish come true
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