Working at BDT we encounter some pretty vicious people. People who are mainly upset with our companies policies and the confusingness of the city, rather than with us personally.
However, last friday I encountered a women who was highly, the meanest person I have ever met. We have a policy of pulling an extra seat for guests who are highly above average size, because the seats on the ducks aren't that big and sometimes people require whole seats to themselves, so we pull an extra seat for them so that no one has to sit uncomfortably. We pull that extra seat once that guest has left so that they don't know, to be polite. On this rather busy friday, I was doing just that with our very slow computers at the museum of science. An unpatient guest came up and started asking questions before I called her over to my station, so I told her that I would be right with her, as I was pulling that extra seat out of our system. WHile doing so, the last few seats on that 1:30pm tour were sold, so that I couldn't pull that last seat. I was confused because just a receipt printed and I never saw that so i went to my supervisor who was on the phone and waited for him to get off. Once I showed him the receipt, he said that hopefully it wasn't a problem and that I shouldn't worry about it because atleast I tried. So i returned to the customer who was waiting to tell her that our next tour was at 2:00pm. She got pissed because she heard the girl next to me sell tickets for the 1:30pm tour and thats what she had wanted. I appologized and explained that the last few tickets might not have even been sold by my coworker because we do have 2 other ticket booths who have the chance to sell those tickets also. So she says to me, "BECAUSE YOU ARE SLOW AT YOUR JOB, I CAN'T GET THE TOUR I WANTED?" I was confused with her saying this because no one had ever been personally mad at me but still, i replied as calm as possible, "If you would like to put it that way, yes, i'm sorry". so than she requested talking to my manager who had been listening the whole time. I called him over and she says, "BECAUSE YOUR EMPLOYEE WAS MESSING AROUND INSTEAD OF HELPING ME, I CAN'T GET THE TOUR I WANT!" He got pissed, because we both know that there was no need for that, that lady had NO IDEA what I was doing. He replied with, "WHOA WHOA WHOA, she was talking to ME, she wasn't messing around, so let's get THAT straight." Right after that she started appoogizing. He gave her what she wanted and she left happy that stupid fucking bitch. Normally I get mad right back at the customer because there is nothing I can do and it's not my fault. But she insulted me as a worker and for some reason it made me really sad instead, I just wanted to cry. I hope she dies. Seriously. and I hope she thinks next time she opens her big slutty mouth to insult people, white trash slut. Karma will get her.