[ ]You hate the world.
[ ]You hate society.
[x]You think vampires are cool. Who doesn't??
[x]You write poetry. For school.
[ ]You have colored your hair black on a day other than Hallowe'en.
[ ]You wear black/blue eyeliner.
[ ]You write poetry that's not for school. Oops, I'd better go check that one up there.
[ ]You are freakishly obsessed with darkness.
[ ]You think love is a waste of time.
[ ]You've given up on the world.
Total = 2
[x]You've shopped at Hot Topic Hey, they have cool stuff...
[ ]You've spent over $100 at Hot Topic.
[ ]You wear more bracelets than a Russian.
[ ]You own a dog collar, that's not for your dog. No, a kitty collar. XD Just kidding. That's Ed.
[x]You're extremely pale. At the moment I'm slightly tanner than usual, but... yeah.
[ ]You are a member of a poetry site.
[ ]Your screen name has been an oxymoron.
[x]You are an atheist or agnostic.
[x]You don't believe in god. Isn't it the same thing?
[ ]Your screen name has/had X's in it.
Total = 4
[ ]You have been referred to as scary.
[ ]You have been referred to as demented.
[x]You have been referred to as weird. By Celia, at least.
[ ]You have been known to hate teachers.
[ ]You have been known to cause trouble
[x]Your hair has been dyed a color that was not natural. Yep.
[ ]You have at least one photoshopped picture on myspace.
[ ]You think pictures look better in greyscale or sepia tone.
[ ]You are scared of yourself sometimes.
Total = 2
[x] Suicide has crossed your mind.
[ ] you have screamed before. Just like, "AARGH!"? I don't think so.
[x]You use big words that no one has ever heard before on occasion.
[ ]you've seen The Exorcist.
[ ]You liked The Exorcist.
[ ]You've seen Saw.
[ ]You liked Saw.
[ ]You've done voodoo.
[x]You hate sports. Indeed.
[ ]You dress up as the most morbid thing possible on Halloween.
Total = 3
[x]Halloween is one of your favorite holidays. Candy and running around at night in a costume? How could it not be?
[ ]You have an obsession with fire.
[ ]You have only a couple of actual friends.
[ ]You're not afraid of spiders.
[x]You have had a conversation about how you want to die. Yeah, I have. XD
[ ]You've painted your nails black
[ ]One or more of your myspace pics had writing on them.
[ ]You have had the word "...." in your display name.
[x]You love art. What, does that make me emo?
[ ]You like art with negative meanings.
Total = 3
Now add up your total and multiply by two.
14 x 2 = 28% emo
Another random survey thing...
1.Look at your right side. What did you see the most?
My messy messy closet and the chair that's in here from when we were watching Advent Children on my computer...
2.Look at your left. So, what did you see this time?
My window and my old yearbook, which I use to stop my computer from blinking its lights in my face when I'm trying to sleep and it's on standby.
3.In what mood you are now? Tell me about your feelings.
Well, I'm having fun hanging around DeviantArt and taking quizzes, but I feel kind of guilty that I'm not doing something productive. And worried that I'm going to fail the Spanish placement test I have to take this evening. D=
4.What will you do after taking this stupid test?
I guess put my laundry in the wash, and then either study Spanish or clean my room...
5. Describe you in 3 words.
Uh... I don't know. Ok? That's three words. Ok, nice, lazy and antisocial. XD
6.About what was your latest dream you remember?
Oh man! Here's the latest one I remember. I had to drop Jane off at this daycare place, and then when I got there a bunch of people I knew were there (dropping off their younger siblings too, I guess), so we all sat down on the ground to talk. Then they announced that they were serving ice ceram in the cafeteria, and all these little kids were, like, stampeding past us, and I was really scared we were going to get trampled since we were on the floor. Then later I saw that Kaleb was there (with his little bro, I guess), and I was like, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while!" And then somehow I was, like, eavesdropping on a conversation between Kaleb and someone else, and the other guy was like, "You cannot pursue a relationship with a human!" and I was like, "well, it doesn't matter because I'm leaving anyway," not even caring that Kaleb was apparently not human. And then Kaleb turned into an eel and was swimming around, and I turned into an eel too, but I was a wierd, cute eel (kind of like that Pokemon, Dratini) and I couldn't swim very well. And... yeah, that's it. XD Oh yeah, the reason I was dreaming about eels was that the day before we went to the aquarium and saw this humongous green eel, just sitting on the bottom of the shark tank. It was really crazy. XD
7.What do you think about this test?
It's fun because it gave me a chance to tell my wierd dream. XD
8. Latest full cd you've listened
Not counting listening to stuff on the computer... well, I pretty much went through all my CDs, since we had a 12-hour drive up to NY and back. XD But I did listen to that Avril Lavigne CD close the end of the drive, I think...
9.Latest full movie you've watched
Monster House! (In 3D, I might add.) It was ok, but pretty scary for a kid's movie. ... How old were the main characters supposed to be, I wonder?
10.Latest person who makes you smile
The people who post comments on my DeviantArt. =D
11.Latest person who makes you cry
Hm... oh yeah! The person who wrote that AWFUL AWFUL SAD Clex fic that I read. It was good but REALLY REALLY SAD!
12. Describe your feelings like a color. What color it will be?
Brown. It's having fun, but it feels guilty about procrastinating.
13. Do you remember your latest kiss? And who did you kiss?
14.Do you love someone? [without family, parents etc.]
Hm, I don't think so.
15. Do you miss people that are so far away from you?
Well, I guess. But I don't really mind just emailing them and stuff.
16. What's your biggest dream?
To marry a guy I love, I guess.
17. So this the end. What do you want to say now?
Get to work, self! =o
[x] you wear/own a pair of glasses
[ ] you've played some sort of video game 5 hours straight - It's possible, but.. I don't think so.
[ ] you have GI Joes or toy dinosaurs - that's not nerdy...
[x] you pack your lunch to school/work - I used to. =D
[x] reading books are fun - duh. =D
Total = 3
[ ] you go to the library to "hang out" - don't "hang out" at all. =P
[x] you get good grades - yep.
[x] you've corrected people's grammar - heheh.
[ ] math class rocks! - the only good thing about math class is that it gives me a chance to totally zone out =P
[x] you've told someone a joke and nobody laughed
[x] you like eating chinese food with chopsticks - just yesterday! Well, that was Thai food. But you know.
[ ] you've won the spelling bee
[x] girls/boys have cooties! - Hahah, yeah!
[x] you've watched TV for 4 hours straight - I was going to say no, and then I remembered when we stayed in that hotel and watching Pokemon all day XD
[x] sports are just not my thing - not at all.
Total = 7
[ ] you have/had a pet tarantula, snake, and/or lizard
[x] you cried because you got an F on something - I think I would if I got an F on something...
[ ] your homework is ALWAYS turned in on time - no. Which just makes me a lazy nerd.
[x] you're NEVER late for class - well maybe a couple of times a year. But rarely.
[ ] spiderman is the coolest superhero - Smallville says it's Superman. =D
Total = 2
[x] you corrected the teacher
[ ] you want to be a docter or surgeon when you grow up - that would be awful.
[ ] you have a napolean dynamite t-shirt - it should be, "you do not have a napolean dynamite shirt"...
[x] you always have a pen or pencil for class - only once and a while my pencil runs out of lead...
[x] you are an honour student- I'm checking that because I have higher than 4.0... but, I don't know if I'm actually an honour student.
Total = 3
[x] you've never cheated on a test/quiz - well maybe, like, once. But rarely.
[ ] I dont care about my looks...I have school work to worry about! - I do worry about my looks and I don't worry about school work, but somehow the school work ends up good and my looks end up bad. XD
[ ] you're in the school band - I was... for half a year...
[x] you've tripped and fallen in the hall - that's not really nerdy...
[ ] spiders and bugs are way cool!
Total = 2
Now multiply by three and that’s your percentage!
17 x 3 = 51% Eh... I would say I'm nerdier than that... but whatever.
So the other day I was trying to explain emo to Sylvain... it was not easy. XD
I've got to study Spanish and/or clean my room now... Pawley's Island in two days. I am definitely not staying in the basement again. But I might get stuck in the kid's room... sigh...
P.S: TIPsters:
Death Note comic, yay! XD