Just kidding. I had to stop working at the Oak Ridger, though... something about insurance. It's too bad, especially when I was just getting used to making coffee and typing up cop reports... but at least I was there a week.
So anyway! Since you guys are all posting accounts of your school days, I shall post an exciting account of
my exciting school-less, work-less day!
10am - woken by the phone ringing to an empty house. Revelled in the chance to watch TV while eating whatever I want for breakfast, until I realized that there is absolutely nothing good on TV in the morning, not even Sesame Street, and there's not anything I feel like eating for breakfast except for cereal anyway.
11am - decided to play that Pokemon Gamecube game. Looked all over for it until I realized that Celia had traded it in at the video game store. Read Fruits Basket.
12pm- considered cleaning my room or working on my comic, but decided to aimlessly surf the net instead.
1pm- Mom got home. Asked her to take me to the video game store so I could get that Summon Nights game I want, but we called and they said that they didn't have it.
2pm- started playing Pokemon Leaf Green, since I felt like playing something.
3pm- ate a not-after-school snack with Celia and Jane and helped Mom scan some photos for Grandma.
4pm- watched 8 Simple Rules and worked on the next page of the comic, but not the title page that I should be doing.
5pm- started outlining the title page, but decided that I didn't like the picture I had drawn, and didn't feel like trying again.
Played around with the pictures of the Pokemon Diamond/Pearl trainers until their hair looked like my characters. 6pm- ate dinner, wandered around on Deviantart for a while.
7pm- decided to work on Jane's Sakura costume! Made a pattern for the neck out of newspaper and cut up my old gym shirt.
8pm- tried to get Mom to help me sew the hems on the sewing machine, but she was too busy. Decided to write an lj post...
And that is all of my very exciting day. XD
That's all I have to say. (That's a lot!)