Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 68 kg
Medical Info: Dead! Looks like Luke, or rather: LUKE LOOKS LIKE HIM.
Eyes: Green.
Hair: Dark red.
Physical traits: Long red hair, scowling a lot.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything, but keep in mind that he will probably get pissy if you go on about how Luke is nicer. Even if Luke IS nicer.
Abilities: He's able to connect with Luke telepathically because of the open slots in Luke's body. He can watch what Luke is doing, know where he is, and so forth. Basically, he's a giant voyeur.
Given that he's the scion of Lorelei, he's able to create a hyperresonance on his own by bringing in seventh fonons and making them clash. He can control this pretty well, too. There SHOULDN'T be seven fonons in camp, but for the sake of fun stuff, we're handwaving that.
His list of artes is here. His mystic arte is in this video, even if he's ... not supposed to use his hyperresonance in battle ... or something. lol video game. His titles are here. He's probably wearing the God General title because it's most efficient.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: He's able to connect to Luke telepathically through the fon slots that are open in Luke's body. Internally, Asch is kind of a mess. He's bearing a huge grudge against Luke for stealing his life. He's got an EXTREMELY low self-esteem because Luke kicks more ass than him. Asch feels like people want Luke more than him. And-yeah, naturally, he thinks about Natalia a lot, because she shaped him. And how much he hates Van. And probably how much he wants to hate Luke.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure, but ask where necessary.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: Go ahead, but Asch might push you away.
Maim/Murder/Death: Asch will PROBABLY VOLUNTEER HIMSELF FOR DEATH so go right ahead.
Cooking: Asch is a good cook!