Title: 20 Random Facts about Miles Bletchley and Alicia Spinnet
royalty25Character(s): Miles Bletchley, Alicia Spinnet and random appearances of others
Rating: PG13
Summary: Twenty random things about one of my favorite pairings.
Warning(s): Mention of rape, minor character death
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine.
Author's Notes: This was written as part of the
Harry Potter Random Facts Fest. 1) The first memory Miles Bletchley has of Alicia Spinnet was of a blonde-haired girl who questioned Snape during a Potions lesson their third year. The Potions Master had mistaken the order of two ingredients in their shrinking solution. The results were less than desirable and the Potions Master blamed this on the incompetence of the students. Alicia was quick to put Snape in his place which earned her detention for a week.
2) Alicia Spinnet was teased her entire fourth year for supposedly lusting after Slytherin Quidditch players by her close friends Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson. Miles Bletchley was included in this.
3) Miles was accused of never going after the things he wanted in life in his fourth year by Marcus Flint. This was due to the fact Miles revealed to Marcus that he had a crush on someone and didn't know how to go about it. Marcus simply told him to, "Go for it."
4) Had Marcus known Miles was referring to Alicia he would've told his housemate to go "Avada Kedavra" himself.
5) Their first conversation was forced upon them by Professor McGonagall. She had assigned them as partners for an assignment and they had no choice but to talk to each other to complete it.
6) Alicia's first memory of Miles was of a dark-haired boy who accidentally bumped into her in the hallway their fifth year. He tried to apologize, but Alicia was convinced he did it on purpose. They began to argue and Alicia tried to slap him. He didn't allow this and kissed her by force instead.
7) To this day Alicia will never admit she liked the kiss Miles gave her even if she wasn't cooperating at the time.
8) Miles dated Daphne Greengrass to try to forget Alicia and eventually lost his virginity to her. Daphne was never good enough for Miles and they broke up after two months of dating.
9) Alicia's first boyfriend was Lee Jordan. He was nice, made her laugh and treated her well. Unfortunately their relationship came to an abrupt end when she overheard Lee telling Fred and George Weasley that he really wanted to be with Angelina Johnson and was using Alicia to get to her.
10) Their first date happened their sixth year and consisted of the pair arguing about Quidditch until both were blue in the face. They both decided to not see each other for a while afterwards.
11) Both of them are very competitive when it comes to playing Quidditch against each other and have been known to try to outdo each other during matches.
12) The incident in which Miles hexed Alicia in the library was caused by a misunderstanding earlier that day. Miles thought Alicia was flirting with Dean Thomas when actually she was asking him about Quidditch practice.
13) During the Christmas holidays that year Miles was visiting his grandparents in St. Mungo's and Alicia was bringing her father, who was a doctor there, his lunch. They ran into each other in the lobby and were actually civil to one another. From then on Alicia would make it a priority to visit Miles's grandparents every day.
14) The first person to find out about Miles and Alicia was Adrian Pucey, but that's only because he was after a Gryffindor girl himself.
15) Miles is the only person that knows that Alicia's mother died when she was 2 years old.
16) They finally made their relationship official after they left Hogwarts. Miles's grandparents were excited and from then on would harass Miles with questions like, "When are the two of you getting married?" and "When are we going to meet her parents?"
17) Alicia is the only person that knows that Miles's full name is Miles Alexander Jonah Bletchley.
18) His first proposal to Alicia was interrupted by news of another war breaking out in the wizarding world. The Order of the Phoenix on one side and the Death Eaters on the other. Alicia quickly rushed to help members of the Order of the Phoenix and Miles quickly went into hiding because his parents had connections to Death Eaters.
19) Halfway through the war Miles was fooled into coming out of hiding by Marcus Flint and Noah Derrick. Both had claimed that Alicia had been injured by members of the Order of the Phoenix and that he would have to fight alongside Death Eaters to get her away from them. Once he joined the Death Eaters he realized she was actually injured by Death Eaters and that they had captured her soon afterwards. He tortured and killed Charles Warrington because he beat and raped Alicia while she was under captivity.
20) When the war ended Miles proposed again and this time Alicia accepted. The first people invited to the wedding were Adrian Pucey, Fred and George Weasley, Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson. The wedding was one of the most expensive weddings in wizarding history and approximately 700 people were in attendance.