Hello everybody! I'll be one of your new co-mods. Ummm, so yeah. -___-;;
Both of our mods are busy with schoolwork (so am I), so here I am to present to you the winners for our special 50th anniversary contest. Votes were very close, so be proud of yourselves guys! Everybody submitted wonderful icons! =D
First Place
snm_queen Second Place, TIE
star_flare and
ikkyu Third Place
ikkyu Most Creative
ikkyu Best Triad
ikkyu Best Color
snm_queen Congrats to everybody! :D
snm_queen, please reply with next week's theme. And winners, we'd appreciate it if you could comment with a link/links to your pictures. It would make it easier for our banner maker, thank you! ^^
lezerie, you are this week's banner maker (well, you promised, XDD).