All Your RPGs Are Belong To Us

Feb 07, 2007 16:44

Right. Well since we had a little bit of a "whoops" regarding the Weekly Wednesday Discussion post we got together and decided to instead of just simply skipping over Wednesday entirely but to hold a little poll in its place. But here's the good news! The poll is actually going to serve a much bigger purpose than just simple curiousity.

As always, we here at RPG Prophet only want to keep you updated on your favourite HP RPGs out there and recently many of the RPGs on our featured Various News section have slowed down or stopped all together for various reasons. Because of this we are hoping to add a few more games to the section but we want you to help us out with it. We want to know which RPGs you wish for us to feature along side the other 9 games we have in the section. After we have closed the poll we will then add to the Various News to what you guys voted on and so on and so forth, etc. etc.

Before voting the only thing we ask is that you vote with your RL LJ so that there isn’t the problem of a million of your characters pushing the votes. We’d have a Florida voting crisis on our hands and that wouldn’t be so terribly awesome. The poll will be viewable by no one else but myself but if this is a problem please just let us know and we’ll be glad to figure something out. :)

ETA: This little poll doesn't mean we are replacing any of the RPGs we currently feature so y'all have no need to keep fretting over wtf_drarry :)


Poll Various News Voted By You!
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