Name: Breyzy
Previous Stamps: None yet.
Give a brief description of your personality: Gah, I hate having to describe it! O_O; Let's see: I'm very determined and stubborn. Once I set my mind to a goal, I don't stop until I finish it. I like helping people out for the most part, but I don't like feeling like I'm being taken advantage of. I'm also very independent, which I think can be both a good and a bad thing since it means I don't rely on others, even if I might need to. I'm told I'm funny, but my humor falls more in the "sarcastic" category so I'm sure there are others who disagree. I can get jealous easily and I don't trust people very readily. Even the people I'm closest to I don't trust fully. It takes a lot to get me mad, but once I've reached a "boiling point" I tend to get REALLY angry and I find it really hard to forgive someone who has made me mad. I also have this tendency to keep my inner thoughts and feelings inside without voicing them.
List some of your positive traits: Determined/Hard-Working, curious, independent, helpful/loyal (to those I can respect and/or care for, at any rate), humorous ...well, depends on who you talk to. O_O;
... and some of your negative traits: Untrusting, jealous, unforgiving, indecisive, independent (I consider this both a positive and negative trait of mine. It's positive in that I can handle things on my own and I look out for's negative because I feel like relying on others is a weakness, even in cases when it's obvious I need to {like when I'm stressed out for taking too much on myself}. I won't ask for help even when I need it because I rely too much on myself and not enough on others. I'm working on that too though).
Are you more...
Outgoing or Reserved: I'm shy for about ten minutes when I'm first meeting someone, but I can't stay that way for long! I find silence really uncomfortable and unnerving, so I will always try to start conversations to fill the void, hehe. :D Although, I'm sort of reserved when it comes to "deep" things, like inner-thoughts/feelings. I tend to keep those to myself unless I feel really comfortable with the person I'm talking to.
Energetic or Calm: Haha, I'm about to not be very helpful, but it honestly depends on the situation! If I'm at work or doing something that really requires my focus, then I'm extremely calm...but, if it is something I'm excited about, I can get pretty energetic (also, it depends on my caffeine intake! O_O;).
Cautious or Impulsive: ...It depends on what I might want. I am way more likely to be impulsive and jump into something without thinking *if* I'm already excited about it, but if it isn't something that I'm all that interested in I take a few more moments and try to approach it cautiously.
Stoic or Emotional: I don't like putting myself in places where my emotions are really visible or I start to feel vulnerable, so I have this tendency to keep all my thoughts and feelings inside unless I really trust someone or just can't keep them bottled up any longer (yes, as cliche as it sounds, I do wear a "mask" so to speak)...but, I'm not 100% sure that "stoic" is the right word for it. I've never considered myself that way before, honestly. While I may not voice my emotions all the time, I do feel them pretty deeply...but I'm not sure if that qualifies me as "emotional" either. Geez, I really am not helpful today, am I? O_o
Peaceful or Aggressive: More like laid-back? I'm not really super peaceful, but I'm not aggressive in that I'm going out of my way for fights either. If there's a goal I'm aiming for, I *will* go after it pretty aggressively.
Vengeful or Forgiving: Hnnn...that's tough. I'm actually a very unforgiving person by nature, but that doesn't mean I actively seek revenge when people wrong me either. I tend to just not forget when people wrong me, but that doesn't mean I go out of my way to hurt them back. I just won't trust them again.
The journey begins...
What would be your main motivation for leaving in the first place? Probably finding myself. I like the idea of being one of those main characters who goes on a journey of self-discovery *you can cue the corny background music here!*...I might start out with my own personal agenda and wanting to accomplish my personal goals, but then I'd discover more about myself and the world along the way.
Do you prefer to travel with other people or would you rather be alone? Probably would have a slight preference to traveling alone, although I can see how working with others might benefit me more in the long run. If I'm honest, I'm just not a huge fan of teamwork. I've had way too many bad experiences with team members that just wouldn't pull their own weight and it really bothers me. When you're in a team, you're supposed to work with the team! If one person does bad, the whole team suffers. I hate that people don't grasp that when working with a team. Sure, I prefer not working with others, but when I have to I make sure I do the work correctly and I give it my all. I don't want to be a burden on the team. ...So, long story short, I don't particularly like traveling with others, but I do well when I'm forced to.
By chance, you've come across a group which plans to destroy the world with radioactive butterflies. Do you want to do anything about them or will you just ignore them for now? I'd do something about them! As fun as I am sure their radioactive butterfly world destruction goal might be for them, I happen to be a part of the world and would prefer *not* being destroyed by their crazy themes.
Regardless of your previous response, fate seems to be forcing you to oppose them as they've now labeled you a threat. What would be your prime reason for facing them? For yourself? To ensure that your loved ones survive? For the whole world? Uh, all of the above? I definitely wouldn't want my loved ones to die...and, like I mentioned before, saving the world kind of saves me too. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just stood there and did nothing in a situation like that.
... but wait! Your learn that the secret, most powerful weapon is hidden in your hometown! You return to claim it, only to find the butterfly people have burned your town to the ground and quite a few died in the process. How do you react upon seeing this? ...I'd be upset, definitely. I might not be the best person out there for a "hero role," but I can't stand it when people suffer like that. I'd be really sad when I discovered the truth...and then probably really angry afterwards.
This is it, the final battle. Is there anything you want to say to your now deformed, winged, massive opponents, or do you just want to defeat them and get it over with? I'd want to know *why* they were doing what they did and what reasons they have for their goals. Are they just crazy or was there a method for everything? I wouldn't want to defeat them without at least trying to understand where they were coming from. That would be a very hollow victory otherwise.
Peace has finally been restored to the world. At least for now. Do you long for home or for yet another adventure? I'd probably stay home for a couple of weeks to rest and then set out for another adventure. There's always more to discover, after all. XD
(Optional) Which type do you think you're the least like? Pick only one: I'll let the voters decide that, I guess! ♥
(Not optional) Links to four recent applications you've voted on:
I II III IV...there were only two available at the moment, but I'll be sure to vote on others when they're posted! :)