Name: Amber
Previous Stamps: None yet :)
Give a brief description of your personality: I'm an
INFP, which basically means I'm easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal. I'm very aware of people's feelings and such. When someone's sad, I'm usually the shoulder that they can cry on; I tend to just listen to other's feelings in that sort of situation. I'm not a nosy person and I don't push something when it's obvious someone doesn't want to talk, part of that being because I read people pretty well. I'm pretty funny at certain times, too. It's only once in a while that I act funny, but when I do it's hilarious!
Now here are some negative points of my personality... I do not like to work. At all. I have this horrible procrastination problem and I'm known to put off very large school projects by getting on the computer or playing some video games. Sometimes I can get fairly bossy, and it annoys a bunch of my family members all the time. I can get annoyed pretty easily. Just a little slip can set me off, even if it's meant to be just a joke. But my biggest problem is how I always have to have approval from other people. Just a little criticism can ruin my entire day, which shows just how insecure I am... But recently I've been changing that little flaw :D
List some of your positive traits: Nice, loyal, patient with my friends, smart, easygoing!
... and some of your negative traits: Lazy, low confidence, short-tempered with idiots, and eaily scared. Lol.
Are you more...
Outgoing or Reserved: Outgoing! I went through this phase where I was really reserved, but I became more outgoing as I grew up...
Energetic or Calm: It depends on the situation. If I'm in class or something I know that I need to be calm. But around friends and such I'm much more energetic :)
Cautious or Impulsive: Impulsive. It tends to get me into a lot of trouble too...
Stoic or Emotional: Emotional. I've never been one to try and hide my feelings. I've always found that to be pretty pointless.
Peaceful or Aggressive: I'm pretty peaceful, actually... I'm not too much of a fighter and I like to keep the peace, but I'm willing to fight if I'm pissed off enough.
Vengeful or Forgiving: I'm a very forgiving person. But if you do something REALLY bad then I'm not as quick to give you another chance. All in all I'm usually one who can forgive pretty easily though.
The journey begins...
What would be your main motivation for leaving in the first place? It'd take a lot to get me to leave home, I must admit. I'm pretty happy where I am and I'm a bit scared of leaving... But I'd be willing to leave home if it could protect my friends or bring me closer to them. Or it could also be that I'm trying to find my calling, you know?
Do you prefer to travel with other people or would you rather be alone? With people, for sure! I love people too much to want to be all by myself in my travels...
By chance, you've come across a group which plans to destroy the world with radioactive butterflies. Do you want to do anything about them or will you just ignore them for now? Lol. First of all, they're idiots for thinking that would work. But I'll still try and stop them. Because even a stupid threat like that is still a threat. And my "goody-goody" side wouldn't mind saving the world.
Regardless of your previous response, fate seems to be forcing you to oppose them as they've now labeled you a threat. What would be your prime reason for facing them? For yourself? To ensure that your loved ones survive? For the whole world? A mix of ensuring that your loved ones survive and just for the whole world. After all, my loved ones ARE a part of the whole world XD
... but wait! Your learn that the secret, most powerful weapon is hidden in your hometown! You return to claim it, only to find the butterfly people have burned your town to the ground and quite a few died in the process. How do you react upon seeing this? I murder them. No questions asked.
This is it, the final battle. Is there anything you want to say to your now deformed, winged, massive opponents, or do you just want to defeat them and get it over with? Ahh I'm not sure. Maybe that they're jerks?
Peace has finally been restored to the world. At least for now. Do you long for home or for yet another adventure? I'm not sure. I guess it depends on who I meet in my travels. If I like... Fall for someone I'd like to stay with them even if they choose to travel. But even then I'd at least visit my home and let everyone know I'm safe :) If I don't fall, then it's home for me!
(Optional) Which type do you think you're the least like? Pick only one: The Anti-Hero. Lol.
(Not optional) Links to four recent applications you've voted on: