I have to share this tidbit with you all, because in the midst of all of my inquiries into marriage, the nature of it, and other bits of advice, I received this gem from neph. And yes, it uses a video game analogy to make its point
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I just got to speak with one of my old Japanese roommates from my last year at UMSL on MSN. I haven't spoken to her in... Jesus, almost a year and a half
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- My new translation teacher will probably not make me feel like an idiot, based off of what I saw today, as long as I do the appropriate preparation before class (which I do anyway
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I think my sanity checked out about 10 minutes into "Evolution of the Japanese Language", which is basically a crash course Classical Japanese course done over 1 semester with two 50 minute sessions per week. We're only getting 3 grammar classes, and then launching right into texts
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