Katrel Conquers the Galaxy - Part 1

Aug 20, 2009 22:04

I've been playing a lot of Galactic Civilizations 2 lately, and have decided that I want to start an epic game and write about what's happening in it. Kind of like these ones, only not as good:


I highly enjoyed reading those two articles, and they're actually what convinced me to get this game, so I thought I'd try my hand at writing about how my game is going. That way, you can all laugh with me (by which I mean, "at me") when I get my butt kicked.

And so, I present to you:

Katrel Conquers the Galaxy!

My first order of business is to set up the galaxy. Because I want this game to be suitably epic, I'm choosing the "Gigantic" sized galaxy. Immense is actually slightly bigger, but Gigantic is absurdly big enough. Besides, Xeddy keeps telling me that size doesn't matter anyway. Tech Rate is set to fast to make the game progress at a decent speed, and habitable planet frequency is set to medium, to keep the micromanaging to a manageable level for a galaxy of this size. And finally, Blind Exploration is off, because it's nice to know where other people's territory is before I stumble into it.

The next step is to create a race. I've never actually done this before, as I usually use one of the standard races. Having to be creative like this tends to delay me for absurd amounts of time, because I want to think of something clever. Having failed at that, I've named myself the Dresdenians. And no, you don't get a prize for guessing what I've been reading lately. So now, as the leader of the Dresdenians, I have to name our homeworld. So, I looked out over the fertile land, and decreed that we shall call it "This Land." One of my advisors suggested that we call it my grave, so I had him executed for his sudden (yet inevitable) betrayal. Once I got past that hard part, I picked some abilities, and chose a tech tree that I'd never used before (the Thalan tree), and started the game.

My starting position was in the far left corner of the map, with a few star systems available nearby for colonization. The only downside? All but three of those systems are closer to my neighbors than me. Also, those neighbors in question are the militaristic Drengi (who kind of have me penned in). I foresee massive border disputes in my future. Still, I suppose it could have been worse.

So, first things first. I sent my flagship out to seek out new life and new civilizations, and my colony ship to find a suitable world for my first colony, and hoped for the best.


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