Kame once saw a painting from afar and thought it was a masterpiece. As he got closer the swipes of the brush grew more discernable and Kame felt put out, brushed off his first impression as an illusion. Even after leaving, a part of wander remained when he thought back to the painting.
10 years later and a few millions richer, Kame bought the painting from the gallery. He hung it up on a far wall in his living room. A few weeks later he moved it to his room.
It was a tangible representation of his maturity, of the years passed. He now saw the object even from close up as a masterpiece. Though the part of wander was now lost by the aesthetic knowledge of brushwork and impressionism.
"the fuck is that?" Jin pointed to the golden frame. This was his first time in Kame's apartment.
"It's art you pig" Kame replied haughtily from his doorframe.
"it's a mess and it clashes with your bed sheets" Jin put down his bag and brushed past Kame to get himself a beer in the fridge.
Kame looked at the painting and decided it was staying there forever.