Life changes.

May 04, 2006 12:43

A lot of things have happened recently that make me question why I'm doing what I'm doing. Currently:

* I work a lot of hours in real estate with little or no real results.

* I help people, essentially for free, with the expectation that they'll use that information with the help of my services. Instead they go with the cheapest person out there or a relative who was too busy to help them, but not too busy to do a transaction.

* I launched with the expectation of helping people. Instead, I get a lot of calls and E-mails from scammers who want something for nothing, or who have no intention of using the service and want people's contact info.

* People in the communities that I'm active within are often just financially clueless. They make plans that they can't achieve, they don't make plans when they should be making plans, and they have a massive fear of commitment. None of my clients so far have been in the two major communities I hang out with.

* Everyone keeps telling me that I have great ideas, and I should keep doing what I'm doing. That it will pay off. Well I don't have years to make it pay off, I have a couple months left.

* Because of this advice, I've poured every penny into promoting a new business that nobody is embracing, and I'm 2 months from maxing every credit card with no money in the bank.

You folks know me, I'm a fairly happy guy, I don't get pissed off easily. In a nutshell, I feel lied to and screwed over. And a bit angry. So here are my options:

1) I stay in the area and get a second job to support my first job.

2) I move to Ireland so I can at least be with Rick as I get a job to pay off the debts that this business has put me in.

3) I try to get angel funding for HomeSplit, selling off a huge chunk of future profits.

4) I give up the entire real estate thing all togther, and go back to the management thing or the hi-tech thing. At this point, I would want something at the director or VP level, even if that means a startup. As long as they have more funding and support than I have.

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