My pirate name is:
Mad Bess Kidd
Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from of the network
A fine, reliable pirate? So sad. But Mad Bess Kidd is a pretty cool name.
Yarrrrr, happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Oh, also, everyone should go do
this poll. For it is geek incarnate.
Arr! Fear the bloodthirsty buccaneers! Each pirate adds three to the score for their side.
The first rule of Ninjadynamics is the strength of the ninjas is inversely proportional totheir numbers, so the ninja score will be the total number of votes,minus three for each ninja!
Robots are inflexible. Their score equals a half of the total votes.
Monkeyscause trouble. Each monkey only adds one point to the score for theirside, but each monkey also makes the high scoring side lose a point! Orat least until losing one more point would make the high scorer tiedwith someone else. Each stolen point adds two points to the monkeyside. Stolen fruit is sweeter.
Zombies multiply. Eachzombie is worth half the total number of zombies. So if we have tenzombies, each is worth five, for a grand total of fifty for the zombiehorde!
The side with the highest score wins!