Day 1 - Fic: Team Place: The Fall

Oct 03, 2016 07:28

Team: Place

Title: The Fall

Rating: PG for non-explicit sexual content

Warnings: none

Genre: Angst, Canon

Word Count: 4600

Summary: They've told you that dying is like falling asleep, but to you it just feels like falling. But before you fall, you remember.

Notes: The moment I had finished listening to this song, I punched the air and yelled IT'S GOING TO BE SO SAD!! Which probably says a lot about me.

Infinite thanks to my beta reader S, who continues to dazzle and humble me with her marvelous insight and eye for useless filler text. Comme toujours, je serais perdu sans mon éditrice.

Prompt: #7 "The Bed Song", Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra

The Fall

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