Team: Time
Title: Out of the Ground
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 7500
Summary: "This week, Sirius Black heads to Chichester harbour, where the Time Turners are investigating a vanishing island, first spelled in the Early Roman period. Popular nowadays with entomologists and Extreme Hide and Seekers, could there be evidence this swampy backwater was once a thriving commercial port, trading magical wares all over the Mediterranean?"
Or, the
Time Team AU where Voldemort never existed, the Wizarding world borrows liberally from the Muggle, and everyone loves archaeology!
Notes: Rivers of thanks to my betas, NV and FB ♥. I love Time Team to bits but I'm no archaeologist, so please forgive any mistakes.
Prompt: #39 - Picture of an animal skull.
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