Title: Apples
Author: Thesiriusmoon
Recipient: Brightly18
Beta'd by: The wonderful minimoonylupin! Though I did go and tweak a bit after she got done with it, so any flagrant mistakes are mine!
Keyword: Bucket, Mop, Illustrated Book About Birds
Dialogue: "Look at What You've Done!"
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Still not mine. Sigh.
Word Count: 2210
Summay: Just
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Comments 7
I loved the use of the Bible and Greek mythology. Apples are such a potent symbol and you used it amazingly well.
You also combined bits of angst, fluff, romance, and humor (this cracked me up (“You sure you’re okay?” James sounded worried, but Remus couldn’t look up. Because if he did then Sirius’ apple scented bits were going to be in very immediate danger.) into a lovely mix that read very, very well. Oh, and the bit about the Marauders' dententions was particularly amusing.
But, really, the best part was that peak into Remus' psyche. The apples, the thinking, the fear of not being human. It all seemed so real and so very, very poignant.
And your Sirius was very funny and very touching.
Lovely and totally going to be saved into my memories!
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