Title: Not As Good As Naked Quidditch
Author: Curley Green (
Rating: PG-13 for a rude word and sexual banter
Word Count: ~600
Challenge: For
brighty18. Keywords: rainbow, goat, cotton candy. Dialogue: "Boredom, like hell, is not easily conquered."
Summary: Sirius thinks he has better things to do with his time than follow Remus around a silly carnival
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Comments 14
"Buy me some candy floss and I'll let you ride my Tunnel of Love later."
Oh, Remus. Stick to quoting muggles. *shakes head*
This was adorable. I loved the ending, your banter was just so *them*.
OMG! This was funny. And bless you (and Remus and Sirius) for getting the corruption of Thomas Paine. I do so like it when they are witty and intelligent.
And speaking of witty and intelligent, this while THING was witty and intelligent. "It's sad, really, how you think quoting dead muggles is sexy." LOL
And want to know something weird? I once wrote an R/S fic with goats and that was essentially, the first line I used, too. Strange! Goats do have funky eyeballs. I'm used to it now, but it still weirds out my friend wolfiekins.
I feel awful because for the first time EVER, my story is not ready yet!
I'm also a total a city girl. I know nothing about goats except that their eyes freak me out hard-core. *hides from the goats*
There's still a few days before the stories are due! My non-pinch hit for this month still needs a bit of work too...
This just feels strange because it's usually me on time and doing pinch hits. Perhaps rs_games might have something to so with it. June was a tough month!
rs_games are so totally worth you running a little late. I'm sure it's a lot of work, but I know I'm super excited. You modly types are very impressive.
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