Title: The Choice
Team: Post-Hogwarts
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: How might one choice affect your life? Remus POV, canon'compliant through DH.
Wordcount: about 4000 words
Prompt: "It's the fear of what comes after the doing that makes the doing hard to do. But you can almost always live with the consequences." (Angels in America)
Genre(s): Romance, angst (heavier on the angst).
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended
Author's Notes: With thanks to L and J for their helpful beta services.
The Choice