Title: Disturbing the Silence in the Garden
Team: Team MWPP
Rating: PG
Warnings: None! Apart from the obvious boy!kissing.
Summary: Sirius thinks things over as he sits in Remus' garden. Feelings of jealousy, betrayal, and loneliness bubble to the surface and he's unsure of what to do with them. Remus decides to help Sirius in the way only he could.
Prompt: Aquarius (Jan. 21 -- Feb. 19): Clarity allows you to evaluate every development with real discrimination and to know instantly what needs to be done rather than facing a nebulous array of options. Certain priorities are about to get sorted & Scorpio (Oct. 24 -- Nov. 22): There is an understandable temptation to complain about a irritating factor in your life, but little will be gained by discussing it. You'll soon discover that your situation is less urgent than you think.
Genre(s): fluff/romance, angst
Disturbing the Silence in the Garden Polling Now Closed!