Team: Team AU
Title: As We Say Our Long Goodbye
elessaeRating: PG-13
Warnings: References abound - to 1. Ursula Le Guin’s Left Hand of Darkness, 2. Vladimir Nabokov’s Spring in Fialta, 3. Stars’ First Five Times, and 4. Muse’s Undisclosed Desires - seemingly unnecessary, and really, am necessary to plot, *sheepish smile*.
Slightly wonky narrative structure, but I think - I hope - still followable.
Genre: Romance, Small dosages of Angst
Word Count: ~6,100
Summary: In an England where Magic has been made public knowledge since 1934, and in a time of political tensions, two young men, each grappling with his own magic, too powerful and too expectant, meet in Hecademus University - as student, and teaching assistant - and learn not to want to say goodbye, and perhaps to love.
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