Twelfth Night Tales: The Information

Dec 10, 2014 17:03

Wotcher! The holidays are fast approaching, which must mean it’s time to bring a little more Remus/Tonks fic and art into the world again? And so we hope you’ll join us in the latest rt_morelove event: Twelfth Night Tales. For anyone wondering what relevance the number twelve has to this, or even if you can only post your work at night and on the twelfth(!), the answer is no, not at all, we just liked the sound of the seasonal name.:D

If you’ve been here before, it’s going to be similar to our previous events, and if you haven’t, we hope we’ve endeavoured to make it as straight forward as possible. But there are a few differences, and to start with we’d ask that you please impress Professor Lupin enough to earn yourself fifty points (with optional chocolate) by reading the guidelines behind the cut.

Guidelines & Rules

If you read and inwardly digest these, as Remus Lupin would say: “It would tend to give you an edge!” More seriously, please do so, as we want this to be fun for all and not at all brain-taxing.

1. Content
We’re sure it’s fairly obvious from the name, but this is a community for fans of Remus and Tonks and their relationship, whether they’re involved romantically together or not. So the one and only golden rule (or the bubblegum pink one) when it comes to content, is that while you can certainly mention/use other imagined relationships, whether past or present, the R/T one should be the main focus of your fic or art. For example, if your story is all about Remus/Someone Else, and Tonks only appears fleetingly for a paragraph, then we’d respectfully suggest this isn’t the best place for it.

Other than that, we’d be very happy to see AU, death denial fic (what deaths?), R/T gen fic, use of the information from Remus’s bio at Pottermore (or ignoring it), and ideas such as time travel where Tonks could bump into a young Remus in the Marauder-era (or vice versa). We’d love to see some Teddy-centric stories/art here as well, perhaps where he learns something about his parents, and we get the chance to see how he and any other characters are affected by it. Fun as well to see Remus and Tonks through the eyes of other characters - the list of possibilities is endless and up to you.

2. Ratings
At the moment, we’re only accepting fics, graphics and art up to and including R rating. Please ensure that appropriate warnings are given outside the LJ cut, and that any art is work-safe to view.

3. Plagiarism
We won’t tolerate anyone taking anyone else’s work and claiming it as their own. Please don’t - it spoils it for everyone.

Now onto the main event:

Twelfth Night Tales

Above this post is another entitled Prompt List. There you will find a list of 30 prompts to choose from and we hope that they'll inspire you. They are a real mixed bag of words, pictures, lyrics, styles and quotes.

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1 To join the event, simply go to the Prompt List and leave a comment with the words ‘Twelfth Night’. That’s all you have to do. You haven't committed to anything, so don't worry, it's simply registering your interest so that we know to give you posting access when it opens on Sunday, and then you'll have it for the duration of the event. You can join at any time as well and you'll need to be a member of the community to gain posting access.

Step 2 It’s entirely up to you what prompt you pick from the list, and how many of them you pick. You can use one, two, three or all thirty (though we may think you’re a genius if it is all thirty). We don’t need to know what you’ve claimed until you come to post your work. So if you change your mind or fall out of love with your prompt halfway through, and end up using another instead, we’ll never know the anguish and frustration you may have been through! Of course you can post as many fics/art as you want, and even reuse the same prompt(s) if you want to do a different take on it.

Step 3 With regard to fics, you can submit anything from drabbles (100 words minimum) to chapter-length epics. Short fics to big-bang length, it’s up to you. The same goes for art: one picture or several graphics, whatever you wish. Of course you can submit as many fic/art as you want to during the event.

You can also submit chapters or art from an ongoing work in progress, as long as you include and use one of the prompts on our list. Even previously started fics and art - again, we'll never know if you don't tell us ;) - as long as you incorporate one of the prompts. The only restriction is that they should not have been posted somewhere else first, please.

Although it’s called Twelfth Night Tales and many of us in the northern hemisphere are feeling distinctly chilly right now, your work does not have to reflect this in any way. On a beach in the middle of August, with Remus piling on the sun-tan lotion, is fine!

Posting will open on Sunday, December 14th, and the event is due to run until midnight Pacific time, on Tuesday, 6th January 2015. Full details of how to post will be provided when it does open.

Any questions? Leave them below in the comments on this post. And whether you're an old member or a new one, it would be nice to know that you're around so feel free to say hi here as well. :) And now, here’s to a little more R/T fic and art in the world!

twelfth night tales, community info

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