Title: “Original Sin”
Author: mercutio_rane
Prompt: Prompt #8 (authority)
Format & Word Count: Drabble, 100 words
Rating: M, for couch sex
Author’s Note: Will someone please get me a date so I can stop writing things like this?
Blood red velvet scratches against his partially bared back, but dark Grimmauld’s library has never felt so right. The clock chimes midnight slowly, cacophonous against their rhythm and his fingers clench around her soft skin.
She’s curled around him and he’s buried within, rubbing at the warmth, all her wordless whispers touching his drive, sending him forward again and again and telling him that it’s good. It’s very very good.
We shouldn’t we shouldn’t……we shouldn’t……shouldn’t……shouldn’t….
And even as his spine arches against the duvet, the guilt spills out and he feels like Adam in the garden, ashamed.