Title: Fascinated
shimotsukiFormat & Word Count: Double drabble, 229 words
Rating: G
Prompt: #13, first person/present tense
Author's note: I hope this attempt at a loose, colloquial style doesn't sound too terribly American. Brit-picking and other concrit is most welcome.
Summary: Tonks is mostly paying attention during her first Order meeting.
I am paying attention to Moody's report, because this Order stuff? It's real. It's as real as Auror work, or maybe even more real, given the way the Ministry's been acting lately. And it's dangerous - I can't say I'm not scared - but I want to help. I believe in this. I'm glad Kingsley trusted me enough to bring me along. And I'm so happy to know the truth about Sirius, I can't stand it. I only wish I could tell Mum...
So I'm paying attention to Moody, but I'm watching him, too. What's-his-name...Lupin, the "oldest friend" that Sirius introduced me to when I came in. He intrigues me. He's quiet; hardly says a word, really. But when he does speak up, even though his voice is so mild, everybody turns and listens - almost the same way they listen to Dumbledore.
And he looks tired, and dead earnest, like he's trying really hard about something all the time. But when Sirius introduced us tonight, and he shook my hand, I thought I was going to melt from the warmth of his smile. Oh - there it is again! Sirius is whispering something, and I don't know what he's saying, but suddenly Lupin has a glint in his eye that's almost devilish. And that smile - it lights him up like the sun.
I think this is someone I want to know.