
Jan 17, 2017 20:00

Rating & Warnings: None
Word Count: 2305
4. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
Robert Frost, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"

19. Dear Diary

42. Living together.

Summary: Remus wakes up ( Read more... )

twelfth night tales 2016

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Comments 4

drumher January 19 2017, 03:28:21 UTC
Well, you had me going! But oh, that ending. Poor, lovesick Remus. He needs to think of a good prank to get back at them


huldrejenta January 24 2017, 07:25:24 UTC
Hah, I did not see that coming! Remus better use his most Marauderish side now to figure out some well-deserved retaliation ;)
I really enjoyed Tonks' voice in the diary entries, though. Maybe she's a Seer without realising it, because I do have a feeling it will be more than a prank soon enough!
Thank you for writing and participating in the fest :)


gilpin25 January 24 2017, 17:18:32 UTC
I saw you'd signed up late on - you did wonders to get a fic done in such a short space of time. LJ has a lot to answer for sometimes!

I have to say you had me as convinced as poor Remus here. It's amazing the detail Tonks goes into in that diary; she's obviously been giving the matter a lot of thought, and that's a fact which might cheer him up afterwards?! Some nice humour in Remus' bewilderment as well; I did like him declaring he'd be more convinced by an explanation of schizophrenia than Sirius' theory of anti-obliviation syndrome. LOL.

Of course they're brave to prank a Marauder. Like the other reviewers, I hope he gets his own back soon!


faeriemagic07 January 25 2017, 14:17:24 UTC
Thanks, that's so kind of you. It had a lot of mistakes now that I read it again.

If you want to know what happened, it was four in the morning, I was drifting from sleep and trying to wake up and continue typing. I woke up one time, (the laptop still in my lap while sleeping) and phrases on the screen were already ridiculous. Apparently, I ended up sleep-typing my dreams.


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