Drabbles: Almost

Jan 18, 2017 09:44

Author/Artist: huldrejenta
Title: Almost
Rating & Warnings: PG, some Remus-angsting
Word Count/Art Medium: 4 x 100
Prompt(s): #26: First person POV, present tense. #48: Almost.
Summary: Remus can almost convince himself this is for the best.
Notes: Yay, so happy to write R/T again, even if it's very short. Unbeta'd, so feel free to let me know if there's any ( Read more... )

twelfth night tales 2016

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Comments 5

author_by_night January 18 2017, 12:59:54 UTC
I really liked this! The ending was especially powerful.


huldrejenta February 1 2017, 10:44:43 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed :)


gilpin25 January 18 2017, 22:08:58 UTC
It's a great image of Tonks picking up the newspaper after saying the words that send Remus into such a tailspin! I like the irony of him 'having made peace' with not being able to say them himself, and then how so many other words promptly fight to be let out instead. And I like the descriptions you've used: how Tonks isn't 'allowed' to say that, while he's always trying to 'push' the words and her away. It's all a very long way from being peaceful, much more an internal war.

The last line, of course, suggests he knows he's fighting a losing battle, at least with himself. Lovely job! :)


starfishstar January 20 2017, 02:05:41 UTC
Ah, this is lovely and sad! Remus believing that these particular words "aren't for him"; Remus trying to make himself believe he's okay with that.

I got chills at "And then she smiled at me. The werewolf. Just as if I was one of them." That really does say so much about Tonks and who she is!

I also think "One day she’ll be grateful that she’s not bound to a creature like me." sums up a lot about Remus and why he fights against the connection between them for so long.


faeriemagic07 January 25 2017, 14:32:30 UTC
Aww. This stage of their relationship carries a lot of weight of sadness in my heart. Just the kind of longing that a person could never have. (More highetened when I read about their divorce that had my heart broken so deep).

The words that had the most impact were

"She’s hurt because I’m not saying it back."
"But ...One day she’ll be grateful"
"I almost make myself believe it."


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