Log: What Happens When Red Heads Don't Listen to Martin!

Sep 20, 2008 15:04

Note:  Heulwen trumped into the scene after the argument started between Desmond and Kincaid)

Martin says, "I guess it's a party now. Three guys and two girls."

Heulwen's hand drops from Martin's. "Hey, don't want to go back there. Ewww."

Kincaid reaches out to grab Desmond's shirt/vest, "Act like an Adult? You must be kidding, when you! are ever still the child. Playing at your cousin? Insulting your uncle? Makes me curious to what you would say to the true King if he were here! And then what? You get away with your childish notions?" Straightening and staring down his nephew, "Thought I helped raise you right. Not some impish boy who would insult his own blood."

Martin responds quietly to Heulwen. "Don't worry, I don't plan to." he looks concerned by the rising tempers of two of his favorite people. "Hey... hey... Let’s all just keep calm...What's the problem?"

Desmond takes a sip from his glass as he gives Kincaid a rather cool look. In a matter-of-fact voice he says, "I have not insulted anyone who did not insult me first. If you don't get your hands off of me, you may have a matter of chivalry on your hands, Uncle." He turns and gives Martin a nod, "Hello Martin, nice eye-candy you have with you."

"Sir?" Huelwen's voice goes toward the Knight Commander. "Does this mean you are off duty?" She glances around the bar. It'd be an odd place to be on duty!! "I put clothes on; it's safe to talk to me now."

Kincaid smiles, not releasing Desmond from his grip, "Who taught you how to duel? And how dare you to play this anything other than insulting Ethan's name." Anger storming on his brow, lightning crackling within his eyes, "You! Are above Pathi! And should acknowledge a family member who may have failed or never belonged! But you will do it with grace and civility. Is that clear?" Having been a drill sergeant at one time, The commander seems back in the role, breathing down Desmond's neck!

Desmond chortles, "One last warning Uncle. Get your hands off of me. And to the Pits with Ethan. He's a jerk."

Martin says, "She is, at that." He admits to Desmond. "Ok, ok. Hang on guys. Take it easy, huh? We have enough crap going on without fighting amongst ourselves, yeah? Play nice, ok? Bad guys, lots of them, remember? Let’s punch ourselves up when that's over ok?" he tries to get between them.

A cool breeze is directed at the drill-sergeant. Heulwen's hair is ruffled by it she continues to stand near Martin.

Muttering to Desmond, Yvonne frowns and looks at her glass. She shifts away from Desmond as he speaks. She mutters something under her breath. "I like Ethan."

Kincaid release Desmond, nice an easy, thanks to Martin's help, "Oh, I *was* relaxing." Grinning anger and reaching back to brush red braids form his face, "Challenge accepted buy!" Eyes a blaze by what’s been taken as insult, "You dare speak of your uncle in said light? Such ignorance will not be allowed to grow! Soon you'll have forgotten your grandfather, with that tongue!" Reaching to his sword belt, he unbuckles the belt, "Best choose your weapon boy. It’s the gardens with us, choice of weapons, be yours." The knight turns to leave the table. Eyes stare on the lot, noble and wealthy merchant alike, as with the staff. Wondering what caused such a disturbance and how it will be settled?

Martin runs both hands through his hair, "Lir on a bike." he mutters.

Eyes stare on the lot- Be the other guests of White's"

Heulwen heads toward Kincaid, "Picnic? Or you can beat on me if you like. I'm sure you could knock a lesson or two into my head, Sir."

Desmond gives a grin to Martin, "You look like you have been having fun....grab yourself a drink." He turns to his Uncle, and smiles. "All right, short-swords....loin-clothes....if you are modest Uncle, a tunic will do. Or we can just step outside and punch it out. It's your choice. Ethan is still a git."

Martin eyes Yvonne, "Weren't you dating an Ethan?"

Martin says, "Who the heck is he anyway?"

Yvonne smiles innocently at Martin. "It wasn't a date. He's the eldest son of Bleys, he bounced me on his knee as a child."

Heulwen asks, "Can I watch?" Loinclothes, groovy!

Martin says, "Ah." as though that makes all the sense in the world. "Er. Guys? I'd really like it if you didn't punch yourselves senseless. Can we just say first blood? I'll ref?"

Kincaid glances to Heulwen, reaching up to touch her chin, "A beating will not teach you a lesson private. But, I could use a friend to stand witness." Not willing to look back at Desmond.

The general manager, an able slick skinny man, has two servers opening up the doors to the garden. Though closed this time of year, seems the manager is willing to make it easy for the two.

Kincaid does stop at the doors to the garden, "Be careful Desmond. This is not a game." Pulling off his bandana as he steps outside. Calling, "Rules are left to the challenged. Hope the boy knows what’s good for him." Kincaid's voice echoes as he moves outside.

Desmond shrugs, "Ask the 'Old Man' there. He says my judgment is flawed. It's up to him." He begins to follow his Uncle.

Yvonne pulls out a trump. "I'd rather not watch, if you don't mind?" She glances at Desmond. "But you can call me later?"

Heulwen grins and moves to follow Kincaid, "Yes, Sir!" She falls in line behind him by a few steps. "I thought you'd heard about my reputation, Sir?!"

Martin says, "I ain't taking sides, I have no idea what you guys are fighting about. But Desmond needs a second and I'll stand with him."

Desmond nods, "I would appreciate you pruning some roses for me Yvy." He grins, "Yes, get out of here. This will be an exercise of futility."

Yvonne leans toward Desmond to kiss him on the check before returning to studying the trump. "Roses it is."

Desmond gives the old mummies and aristocrats a scary smile and follows Kincaid out.

Martin just looks pained as he grabs a brandy glass from a tray and downs it. "From sunken ships to duels, but at least I've had my drink."

Kincaid walks into the fresh chill air of the garden, "Heulwen, please! You’re a good officer, no reputation could take away from that light of truth." Stretching then, "So... Desmond chooses the weapons. Martin, you are the ref? I expect we will make this notable after all. Everyone in White's is watching." Rolling his neck then, seeming ready for anything.

Yvonne concentrates upon a Trump, and begins to fade away.

Martin nods, "I am whatever is needed. It's stamped on my ass. Except, I am not going to be a King, so don't ask."

Yvonne fades into nothingness, leaving behind a rainbow afterimage.

Desmond smirks a bit and takes his weapon belt off. He lets it drop to the ground. Bits of flame flicker around his hands. He chortles lowly, "Well most insulted and aggrieved Uncle. It's your move."

Martin says, "First -blood-. Amber needs you two."

Martin looks like he'll do whatever it takes to enforce that if he needs ot.

Heulwen asks Martin, "Can I challenge when it's done?" She smiles at Kincaid but waits for Martin's answer like he has authority now. Well, he's trying to wear the funny hat. "Please!?!"

Martin says, "No, but you can rub my back and do that jiggly thing if you want to." He does manage to look authoritative even though he is a son of Random.

Kincaid breathes in, then out. Looking like an older Karate kid, gaining focus. Finally tossing off his shirt, he steps forward, "Guess you didn't want to be embarrassed with short blades and a loin cloth?" Stepping up to an invisible line, his eyes, measuring Desmond.

Heulwen rolls her eyes, "Never mind," she turns to Kincaid, "Can I challenge?" Forget Martin even with a funny hat his authority doesn't last long. "Please?"

Kincaid says, "No!" Starting to push off the balls of his feet in a bounce that does not leave the ground. Perhaps he is ready to dance?

Kincaid was talking to Heulwen.

"Well," Heulwen says, "Will you go on a picnic with me?" She doesn't seem deterred by the knight commander's abruptness.

Desmond takes off his cloak and grins, "Fists it is then. That's nice." He strikes a boxer's pose, but his feet seem to be oddly placed. In a faraway place it might be called Savate.

Kincaid glances to Martin, "He called the terms, ref. Best we fight till one submits or the ref calls it." Eyeing Martin, "Falls on your shoulders now."

Martin sighs and rubs his forehead; he might be getting a headache. "Alright, in this case,. but if you don't get off each other when I say so. I'll sic Heulwen on you. Begin."

Heulwen laughs as she waits for an answer from Kincaid. She's back to approving of the authority hat that Martin wears. She's a fickle creature.

Desmond shrugs a bit and continues the modified boxer’s stance. He keeps his eye on the long-haired red-head.

Kincaid seems to take sue steps, almost in what appears to be rage. He is on Desmond! Moving if not throwing fists, waiting to get close, taking jabs and his knees bending as if the two would pounce into some Greco romaine style of fighting!

Heulwen has a nice view of Kincaid and she doesn't seem to mind that he's getting himself into a fight while she takes it. She's a Rebman so clothing modesty isn't a thing but she's not above admiring a nice warrior form in motion. Good thing he's too busy and too oblivious to catch her staring at him.

Desmond chuckles a bit and dances back. It appears that he perceives this conflict as punches and kicks...precise and technical seems to be his mode.

Martin watches this exchange with the expression of a man who would really rather be drinking.

Heulwen watches Kincaid as if he might be food. Buttery. Yummy. Food. She waits for Martin to give his order. She may be distracted but she's devotedly organized!

Martin eyes Heulwen, eyes Kincaid. The man is doomed. Martin rolls his eyes.

Desmond begins to move forward with jabs and feints. He releases a furry of blows. His attack has no emotion, nor bloodlust....It is all intellect."

Kincaid buckles up! Trying to guard against Desmond’s onslaught, step one, step two, backing up.. Til Boom! A true boxer, Kincaid steps back and unleashes a few offensive blows.

Martin frowns as they start beating each other up. He doesn't see that they need to be separated yet.

Heulwen moves toward Martin just in case he needs to make her step into the fray. It seems the girl is crazy enough to put herself between to fighting red heads, if necessary. She continues to watch Kincaid, giving Martin a little shrug.

Desmond staggers back a bit, and remains the technician. He bobs and weaves, and plants the punches where they should be. It is apparent his old fart-acting opponent has him outmatched. He presses his attack.

To Martin, Heulwen says, "If you want, I can hit 'em with a wind attack."

Kincaid steps in, taking a blow on the side, which may or may not have cracked a rib. *If that was the sound of a broken bone! And Kincaid falls back, limping slightly, his pain a twisted wince of pain written upon his face.

Desmond presses his attack further; it is all quick jabs and distracting punches to the Knights face. He snarls a bit, and then realizes he has made a mistake as he steps a bit to close.....

Martin eyes Kincaid, eyes Desmond. "That's enough."

Heulwen wind gathers around Heulwen as she asks Martin the question. She doesn't burst into the fray but waits to see the outcome of Kincaid's action.

Kincaid takes Desmond’s advance and Martin, despite his ESP, could not stop the right hook that barrels down on Desmond. The knight is leaping, twisting his body, with a mighty blow.  He brings down his weight upon his nephew, which leave Kincaid standing, ready for Desmond to get up and ask for more.

Desmond messed up. The blow catches him true.

Martin barks with authority. "Enough. If they don't move apart, do it, Heulwen. I don't want to hear any more bones breaking."

Spit and blood flies as Desmond flies in a perfect arch.....backward....his body hits the ground about four yards away.

Kincaid does not seem to be done, moving to grapple Desmond up, either to punch him or beat some words into him. Either way, the knight moves in a swinging saunter to pick his nephew up.

Desmond moans a bit, "I should have stayed with the swords....he passes out."

A really terribly AWESOME fist of air (words fail to explain how awesome it is actually) blasts from Heulwen's direction toward Kincaid. The woman has had some time to get the wind under control around her and seems to follow Martin's cue without sympathy for the poor Knight Commander. He wouldn't go easy on her, would he?  Words also fail to describe how awesome the Kincaid is.

Robin enters from the northwest.

Martin smiles to himself, "That's why I keep Heulwen around."

Kincaid growls, shrugging off Heulwen's attempt, "You Dare!" He screams within the attempted wind blast! A hand reaching to cover? and protect Desmond? While green fires that are eyes stare back at Heulwen.

The group is in the garden, which was unlocked. Martin appears to be standing as referee to some kind of face off between Desmond and Kincaid. "Kincaid, I said to stop. You've made your point. He's down."

Dare?  Well, actually, yes. She launches herself toward Kincaid throwing caution and, well, wind to the wind. Kincaid might continue to beat on Desmond or he might take the enticing new target Huelwen presents. She does not draw her sword as she leaps at him but goes in with her fingernails extended toward his bare torso. A regular girl might be at least a little fazed by the fact he just shrugged off her wind attack, but she's never been all that heading of the niggling little reminder of danger at the back of her head.

Desmond regains some of his senses. Fire flickers at his wrists as he says rather weakly, "Don't Uncle......"

Martin facepalms. "all I wanted was a drink."

Robin had come in to, perhaps, search for someone or other who might be present; but even in this place the murmuring of gossip is impossible to still, and curiosity and not a little concern has led him back toward the garden area. As soon as he can see what's going on, however, he stops dead in his tracks, paling.

Privately, to Kincaid, Heulwen might get the idea that she wants him to hurt her. There is mingled madness and excitement in her eyes. Talk about blundering social situations.

As usual nothing is ever normal when Martin is involved.

Kincaid grunts and groans, as nails dig into his chest! A fist fight is a fist fight! But Heulwen, giving herself away to save Desmond is beyond belief! Kincaid reels back, attempting, without further violence to shrug off the platinum beauty, "Oberon's Beard! Help!" Eyes flail round, even looking to Desmond, as the knight appears in great need!

Martin says, patiently. "I told you to back off Desmond, Kincaid. Heulwen will let you go if you say you'll stop hitting him."

Desmond tries to get up. He makes it to his knees and a flaming claymore appears in his hands. "Enough...."

Kincaid says, "Help! Help!" Crying out, as he tries and fails to shake Heulwen off his back!"

The sword flickers a bit and then blazes alive again. "Just stop....it's enough.....It's done...."

Surprisingly or not Heulwen is a good deal more effective with nails and the threat of jabbing elbows and biting teeth. She has a slightly mad expression but she is still looking at Kincaid like he is on the menu. If she gets her teeth into him, he might be.

Martin stares at Desmond, he's starting to get irritated. "Stand down, both of you. Kincaid wins. Desmond, apologize and put away your sword. Heulwen, let Kincaid go. I said stop him with wind not bite him, Lir on a bike, woman! You lot are giving me a migraine. For the love of....Just . Quit it."

Robin calls out, unprompted, "Meaning no offense, my lord, but I urge you to surrender immediately! It would be ungentlemanly to struggle against a Lady!"

Desmond the sword winks out of existence. "Piss on him, he knocked me out. I am not apologizing." He regains his footing and stands. He looks at Kincaid's plight with some confusion.

Martin facepalms.

Kincaid turns eyes to Robin, twin green flames of pain and anger, that for a second blink, 'What?" to the young lad! "Rob!.. AHHH! " He screams, trying to shake off Haley, until...! *BITE*

Martin looks at Robin. He points at Desmond and Kincaid. "That's not my fault."

Desmond shakes his head, "Honor is satisfied as far as I am concerned." He gives Martin an inquisitive look, "What are you going to do about that?"

Martin shrugs, "He appears to have brought it on himself."

At the moment, the Knight Commander may have his arms more than full with Heulwen. Her braid whips around madly as she seems to expect him to fight back to push her off of him, but somehow she's got the upper hand at the moment. Desmond has a good deal of time while she's tangling up with Kincaid to do whatever he has in mind because the slender Rebma girl is close to mad and more than a little frustrated at the moment. When the two of them trip up and fall to impact with the ground she bites the knight at the juncture of his neck and shoulder. It is not foreplay. Well, maybe it is.

Martin says, "Besides, It looks like fun."

Desmond shakes his head, "All he has to do is invite her out to dinner. I would......"

Robin says to Martin, sounding mildly apologetic, "Of course not, my lord. I should not dream of thinking otherwise." He winces as the two hit the ground.

Desmond rubs his jaw and laughs.

Martin gives Desmond a quizical look. "Aren't you dating Yvonne? Hi Robin, you know Desmond, yeah? You going to live, Des?"

Martin adds, "And anyway, I warned you guys I'd sic Heulwen on you."

Desmond laughs, "Yes Prince, I think I will survive. And yes, Yvy and I are close. I was just noting that the Lady is attractive." He turns to the fellow in red and white. "I do not believe we have met."

Kincaid is alas, struggling with broken ribs thanks to Desmond. And now, a girl, who bites! Loss of breath does not help him as the Heulwen has him at her mercy. Gasping for air and whining as due to a bite upon his neck, "Ah!" Seems to be his only word.

Robin bows in a formal, courtly fashion. "My lord, I am Robin of Lyonesse. An honor to be known to you." He does keep an eye on Kincaid and Heulwen, looking obscurely troubled.

To Kincaid, Heulwen stays tangled with the Knight Commander. She's at least got her shirt on...actually; she's all dressed at the moment. "Still not willing to kiss me, Sir?"

Muttering to Kincaid, Heulwen stays tangled with the Knight Commander. She's at least got her shirt on...actually, she's all dressed at the moment. "... me, Sir?"

Martin sighs, decides to be sympathetic to Kincaid finally. "Uh, Haley. Let him breathe, ok? He really isn't a bad guy." He nods at Desmond, "Good." He has oil stains on his fingers and smells a bit of oil still even though he's freshly showered.

Desmond executes a formal bow himself, "Call me Desmond, I try not to stand on formality." He straightens and grins, "UNCLE, JUST ASK HER TO DINNER!!! Damn, he can be dense sometimes.....hits hard too...."

Privately, to Heulwen, Kincaid eyes flicker in focus, and he almost snarls, more of a growl, "No."

Kincaid has said one word to the vixen upon him. "No." Its clear in the night, but gruffs and growls keep him fighting off the lithe Heulwen.

"Very good, my lord," Robin says to Desmond, apparently missing the whole bit about formality or lack of it. "As it happens I have heard your name from time to time, and, so, I suppose I might say that you were known to me by reputation." His gaze strays back to the combatants, but he wisely chooses not to comment.

Desmond glances over to his Uncle and the one time Pirate-Queen. "It's a match made in heaven, Sir Robin. Let's fetch something to drink...."

Well, hell now that's sporting!  Heulwen goes back to fighting Kincaid then tumbling in the grass. Her shirt gets ripped.   She appears to have a lot of force in her slender form when she wants to use it...and she does. Since he's not surrendering, she goes back to scratching and biting. He's having a hard time getting rid of this biting scratching girl.

Robin, at this point, wisely averts his eyes. "Robin, only, please, my lord. I have not the honor to be a knight. After you, my lord."

Martin lifts his voice, "Haley, Let the nice man get up so we can have a drink."

Desmond laughs heartily, "We really don't have Titles in Pathi. All of my titles originate from here. By Oberon's Brass Balls! I'll buy the first round...."

Kincaid says, "This is Bull...Shhh.. aaah!" Unable to shake the girl on his own, it becomes more of a stalemate, "Oww! She bit me!!!" He cries!"

Heulwen lets the nice man up after she's rolled around in the dirt with him a little longer. The shirt seems to have taken the most damage and the girl has a bruise forming on her neck maybe from trying a little too hard to bite Kincaid, well, win some, lose some. She releases him slowly as if she expects him to retaliate as soon as she has.

"Very good, my lord," Robin says. "Since we are here, then, I shall not feel too overcome with guilt for addressing you with them." There's some humor in his voice, yes.

Martin says, "I think that's a fantastic idea." to Desmond. He attempts to move everyone out of the garden and to a table amid the patron’s stares.

Kincaid stands, quiet and still. Only heavy breathes lead him to glare at Heulwen, until after a moment and some, "Alright then!" Beginning to dust himself off, "Desmond, your uncle is a good man! And.." Taking a breath, "Less this girl was fighting for you. Which you should wish for. Seems I owe her something..." Walking toward Heulwen.

Kincaid says, as he leans down upon her, "One! one picnic. But that is it! Understand?" Sharp eyes study the girl as if she stole his wallet.

Martin tries very hard not to grin. That man is Doomed.

Robin maintains a look of strict neutrality.

Heulwen beams at him and moves close to him to mumble, "Aren't you worried about your reputation, Sir? It might not survive an collision with mine." You know, a girl should just claim her rewards when they are being offered.

Martin sits down to have a drink but suddenly gets a trump call! Duty calls and it appears he has to get going. "Sorry all. Have a drink for me, will ya?"

Martin has left.

Desmond grins at Robin and rubs his jaw again. His grin gets wider, "Just don't lay it on to thick. Or I will have to fight Kincaid about another one of Oberon's laws." He turns towards the ends of the fray and yells, "Are you going to come have a drink, or what?"

Kincaid says, "Give me a drink and I guarantee your reputation will be in better hands in a week." Taking a breath and wincing at his ribs and now bitten neck, "Damn right! You know what I like!" He calls to Desmond, trying to shrug off his wounds as he heads in side with the others.

Desmond signals for wine, bourbon, and cognac. "Damn, that hurt Uncle."

Robin says, without evident sarcasm, "I shall certainly strive to avoid that eventuality, my lord." He's followed Desmond inside, but asks, as Kincaid approaches, "Ought I to send for medical attention, my lord?"

Kincaid nods, rubbing a bite mark on his neck, "More than you know?

Kincaid nods, rubbing a bite mark on his neck, "More than you know?" Shaking his head to Robin, "A bandage and some more alcohol will settle this wound."

Heulwen is organized she moves to find Kincaid's shirt and weapons and give them to the knight commander. "Yes, Sir." She passes him the shirt and reaches out to brush garden earth from him at the same time. She's just organized.

Kincaid just looks confused and in need of a drink.

Heulwen watches Kincaid for a moment lifting her hand to rub at the bruise on her chin. She smiles looking at the bite mark. "You don't have to put your shirt on for me. I'm a Rebman." She starts toward the table and the waiting alcohol, tugging her own shirt into place.

The libations are poured and awaiting the gathering at the table. Desmond slumps into a seat, still rubbing his jaw. "So Robin, you are from....where?"

Robin, of course, will by no means take a seat before Heulwen does, but he converses in the meantime. "Very good, my lord. The latter shall be here momentarily, the former can be easily obtained." He replies, to Desmond: "From Lyonesse, my lord. And you are -- from Pathi? I have heard rumor of your exploits beforehand, but I could not judge what is truth and what falsehood."

Desmond chuckles, "Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see. Yes, I am Pathi."

Kincaid says, "Lyonesse, and *he* knows what it is to be a knight." Not bothering with a shirt or anything else, alcohol alone seems to be his mark, as if the cup of alcohol. "Desmond, is my nephew. And close to my heart." He leans upon Robin, "While Des is a knight of Pathi.. in honored ways, so to, do you. Young Robin resembles the knights of old." Raising his glass, "Let us drink to honor then. Be it madness or righteousness that drives us forward, may we walk in goodness to defeat any evil before our path." An old blessing, but Kin raises and downs his glass with the toast."

Heulwen takes her seat, she's not looking much like a lady at the moment but she smiles at Robin and nods her head, "Thank you." She is interested in a drink. She moves stiffly from rolling around in the grass and despite brushing dirt off Kincaid she now has to get rid of a few clumps that cling to her. "To honor?" She reaches for a glass of her own. "Yes, Sir." Her lips twitch.

Privately, to Heulwen, Kincaid gives a brief glance to Heulwen with his toast.

Robin seats himself, as well, at long last. "Lord Kincaid flatters me far too much, my lord," he says. "One can but strive and fail to uphold the ideals of chivalry. Nonetheless, the hopelessness of a cause is no measure of its worthiness. To honor!"

Privately, to Kincaid, Heulwen winks, saucy girl, she's noticed he didn't bother with his shirt.

Desmond gestures the toast with his glass. "To Honor...." He frowns a bit, "Uncle, I'm a glorified bodyguard....among the Pathi I might be considered a Knight....of a type....." He turns an interested look upon Robin, "I have always found chivalry and interesting concept."

Kincaid laughs and slaps a hand on Robin's back, "Such true words have never been said in place like this. Reminds me of..." Distracted then by something near Haley, "Honor." He jumps back on board, "Is something great. One cannot fight for it and one cannot push it on another." Lifting his glass with Desmond, "Desmond, your right to your opinions. But as your family, I ask. Try and break this concept on your own. Ethan, is your uncle and like Dominic, one that you should respect and trust."

Kincaid adds, "If you respect and trust me. Show such to them." Draining his glass.

Privately, to Heulwen, Kincaid has lost none of his gleam, knight, commander, or just unbreakable. Shirtless and all, he seems beyond such trivial things. Even above the defeat he just suffered, after a tiring fight with his nephew...of course.

Desmond grins, "Ethan has to earn it....don't you know he...." Desmond's eyes become a bit unfocused, "Damn, concussion....See that Desi or Yvy picks me up off of the floor....Please?"

Desmond slumps down in his seat.

Kincaid shakes his head, wounds and all; the drink seems to aid his strength. Or help him ignore it for the moment, "Desmond. You would be lucky to find a woman like Heulwen. If you could ever earn her attention."

Robin, being rather slight, is rocked by a clap on the back, but certainly offers no complaint, smiling. "My lord," he says to Desmond, "to protect those who cannot protect themselves is among the foremost virtues of knighthood, if you will excuse my offering my -- my lord?" He quickly makes to ensure that the gentleman in question doesn't hit the floor.

Heulwen drinks from her glass and starts at Kincaid. She's glances at Desmond as he slumps into his seat with a faint look of concern but he'll survive, she goes back to watching the shirtless Knight. "Well, honor and clerking is not cheating on duplicates."

Kincaid says, "Desmond?" Concern grasping him as well, "Damn it, Des!" Biting his lip and moving to prop him up, "Aw, come on. Wake up.. " Trying to regale the loose Desmond but aside from that seems to take a watchful position over him.

Heulwen stands as Desmond slumps and Kincaid moves toward him. "Perhaps we should have a carriage see him home?" She looks to Kincaid before going about making orders for that.

"That seems to me to be a wise notion, my lady," Robin agrees, "if you will excuse my offering my opinion."

"Your opinion is most welcome," Heulwen smiles at Robin and goes to talk to the guards about getting a doctor, a carriage and an escort home for Desmond. She makes quieter inquiries about a whore but this might not be that kind of gentleman's club after all. She shrugs; three out of four aren't bad.

Kincaid says, "Sit!" Perhaps Heulwen has some explaining to do, "Robin, if you would be so kind. ell Haley of the seven virtues and how they mark one who is or is trying to be a knight." Glancing at both now, he doesn't seem to be willing to let Desmond go. Placing his nephew in comfort and keeping a seat in guard beside Des, "Wisdom, is something young Haley could learn form you lord Robin. While.. her passion is something that a lad, like yourself, cannot grow without."

Heulwen cancels all her orders and looks back to Kincaid. "Sir?" She shrugs. "I understand familial devotion." She reclaims her chair and her drink.

Robin appears suitably embarrassed, whether by one or both of the two. "My lord, I am sure that her ladyship requires no explication of such virtues. And certainly I should not say that I possess wisdom; rather, that is better learned from those older and wiser than myself. And," he admits, "In my homeland, we are more accustomed to nine knightly virtues, each with its exemplar, than seven."

Privately, to Kincaid, Heulwen mutters under her breath as she sits back down next to him. "Will you stop trying to set me up. I'd kill him."

Kincaid shakes his head, and then stops Desmond from sliding off the couch, "Haley, you understand passion and truth! You've not a sense of patience nor fortitude. What you understand is right and true, but inexperience directs you!" Standing up then, in front of Desmond, "Is the carriage ready?" Looking toward the exit, as if someone should be on the detail of seeing Desmond out!

Heulwen gestures toward the guards who don't know what to do but a carriage is indeed ready, "I understand patience," she shakes her head. "I mean it takes a great deal of patience to copy moldy documents and make triplicates. I can function in a superb state of patience in--' she frowns as Kincaid disappears in rainbows. "I'm starting to think he runs from me!"

"It is a quality that is most praiseworthy, my lady," Robin says, "and one that, I fear, I am sadly lacking in. Oh, I am sure he does not, my lady; no doubt he shall return anon."

Heulwen plucks at her shirt trying to make the tear go away but then she notices she is fussing. "I'm sorry," she smiles, "I'm almost certain that he does at least a little. He's all the time going on about the age thing when Prince Benedict said that it isn't age that defines us but what we do with our years. He said he knew plenty of people ten times my age that didn't act any more experienced or wiser."

Robin nods, thoughtfully. "Your ladyship need not apologize, of course. That is a very wise thing, it seems to me, for his Highness to say; but then this does not surprise me, as I have found his Highness to be so."

"He is but he seems dourer and less prone to fun now that he has his old job back." Heulwen frowns. "I feel a little cheated, I thought the military would be more fun."

"Why, I must congratulate him, then, on resuming that post," Robin says, thoughtfully. "The military -- I myself have never served, of course, but I am told that it is often long periods of boredom intermixed with short bursts of terror."

rar!, robin, yvonne, extreme dating, kincaid, desmond, kck, martin

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