The Long and Winding Road 10/?

Nov 18, 2010 17:18

Title: The Long and Winding Road

Pairing: Luke and Reid

Other Characters: Henry, Casey and Ali.

Summary: This is AU. This is the story of Reid and Luke’s courtship. It started as a fix it fic and took a turn.

Disclaimer: These are not my characters. All mistakes are mine.

Rating PG 14

Warning: Strong Language

Luke woke up the next morning sprawled across Reid’s chest. It took a moment for him to figure out where he was and what he was doing here. As sleep began to fade and reality crept into his consciousness a huge smile began to spread across his face. I had sex with Reid, not just sex, amazing; mind blowing, incredible sex and I have the sore ass to prove it.

Luke could not remember ever waking up feeling this complete. He moved slightly so that he could look at Reid’s beautiful face as he slept. As he moved he must have disturbed Reid, because the other man moaned and mumbled “Luuukke” in his sleep.

Luke smiled to know that Reid was thinking about him even when he was unconscious.

Luke was enjoying lying in Reid’s bed and just staring at him. He loves me, he Loves Me, Holy crap Reid Oliver LOVES ME!!! Luke’s brain was screaming at him causing him to grin like a loon.

Of course Reid chose that moment to open his eyes. “What’s going on? Why are you smiling like a lunatic? Was I talking in my sleep?”

Luke just smiled broader. “No, I’m just happy to be here with you.”

Reid leaned over and kissed Luke disregarding the fact that they both had morning breath. The pull was just too strong to be stalled by anything as pedantic as a lack of fresh breath.

When Reid broke the kiss, he smiled at Luke marvelling at the fact that Luke was really here with him and not just a dream. “I need a shower,” he stated getting out of bed.

Luke’s face fell as he watched Reid walking toward the bathroom.

Without turning around Reid called out “care to join me?”

“Yes,” Luke practically yelled as he jumped out of bed to follow Reid.

The two men had a long, hot, steamy shower together then reluctantly got dressed and ready to face the day.

“Do you have time to have breakfast with me at Al’s?” Luke asked hopefully, even though he didn’t really have the time, he wanted to hold on to Reid for as long as possible.

“Sure,” Reid replied, even though he really needed to get to the hospital, he wanted to stay with Luke for as long as possible.

Meanwhile at Al’s

“So why did you want to have breakfast with me this morning, Ali?” Casey asked, feeling cranky about having to get up earlier than usual.

“It’s about Luke, I’m worried about him.”

Casey rolled his eyes. “You dragged my ass out of bed to talk about Luke?” Fucking unbelievable.

“Casey, Luke is your best friend and I think that he’s in trouble. I really need your help here.”

Sighing audibly, Casey responded “alright, what kind of trouble has Luke managed to get himself into this time.”

“I think he’s seeing Dr. Oliver,” Ali replied, biting her lip.

“Okay… so what sort of trouble is he in?”

“Oh my God Casey, that’s the trouble that he’s in!!! Didn’t you hear what I said? I think that he’s seeing Dr. Oliver… romantically!!!” Ali exclaimed. Why are men so dumb???

“That’s why you’re so freaked out? Why is it any of your business who Luke is dating?” Casey asked, hoping that Ali was going to at least pay for his breakfast.

“Casey,” Ali responded as patiently as she could. “Luke is my friend and I want him to be happy. Dr. Oliver is so cold and rude, and Luke is so nice and gentle, I just don’t want him to get hurt. Noah loves Luke and I know that he wants Luke back, I think that we should help them get back together.”

“Ali, we’ve helped them get back together in the past and it never lasts. Maybe they’re just not ‘meant to be’, or whatever. We’re not exactly relationship experts ourselves,” Casey added, pointedly. “I think we should just stay out of Luke’s love life unless we know that he’s hurting.”

“That’s just it, I saw him yesterday, after he came out of Dr. Oliver’s office, and he just looked broken. I’m worried that Dr. Oliver has already hurt him.”

“Did Luke tell you that, or are you just guessing?” Casey asked.

“He didn’t say anything,” Ali admitted, “but you know Luke, he probably blames himself for whatever horrible thing Dr. Oliver did or said to him. I really think that Luke should be with Noah, at least Noah is a nice guy.”

“Ali, I know that you like Noah, but those two have broken up, like a zillion times. I wasn’t even surprised when they broke up the last time, they just didn’t seem happy together, either of them. If Luke wants to date Dr. Oliver, who are we to say that he shouldn’t?”

“But…but….but I’m only thinking about Luke’s happiness. I just can’t imagine that he could be happy with someone like Dr. Oliver,” she finished with obvious distaste.

“Well I’ve seen the way those two look at each other when they don’t realize that they are being observed, and I can tell you that they are attracted to each other. I’m not saying I think that they are going to get married or become ‘life partners’ or whatever, but what’s wrong with having a little fun with someone that you’re attracted to?”

“Casey, we’re talking about Luke, He doesn’t do casual sex. He loves people with his whole heart, you know that. I’m just worried that he’s going to put his heart out there and Dr. Oliver is going to stomp on it.”

“Ali, you can’t protect Luke from himself, and you shouldn’t try to. Luke has to live his own life, not the life that you think he should have. I think that you don’t like Dr. Oliver and so you’re looking for problems when there aren’t any. Maybe Dr. Oliver is Luke’s rebound guy. Who knows? You don’t even know for sure that they are dating, do you?”

“No,” Ali admitted, begrudgingly.

“Well then, please let it go, ok?”

Ali was about to nod in agreement, Casey had all but convinced her that Luke would come to his senses, when the door opened and Luke and Dr. Oliver walked in to Al’s hand in hand. They were smiling at each other like they were the only two people on the planet.

“Oh my God!” Ali exclaimed.

Casey immediately turned around to see what had captured Ali’s attention, and watched Luke and Reid walk over to a booth.

Casey turned back, grinning at Ali. “Well I think you were right about one thing, those two are definitely seeing each other. From the blissed out looks on there faces I’m thinking that they had sex last night, I wouldn’t be surprised if Luke is doing the walk of shame.” Casey smiled, happy for his friend.

“Why are you smiling? This is terrible. Do you really think that they’ve had sex, already? Even if they are seeing each other, they can’t have been together that long. They should have waited. What would Noah think if he heard? He would be so hurt.”

“Hypocrisy, thy name is Alison. Who are you to pass judgement on ANYONE’S sex life? Aren’t you the one who had sex with Mick Dante just before our wedding? Weren’t you the porn star? Didn’t you have sex with Chris while you were engaged to Aaron? You weren’t that concerned with Aaron’s or my feelings and we were engaged, Noah and Luke are broken up.”

Ali had least had the decency to blush. “Casey, I know that I’ve made a lot of mistakes and I regret them all. I just don’t want Luke to feel the same pain that I do when he regrets this.”

Casey just gaped at Ali. “You know what I think? I think that this is about you. You don’t like Dr. Oliver and you’re afraid that if Luke is dating him then you are going to have to socialize with him and you don’t want to,” Casey stated. “You know what that is, Ali? Selfishness. This is not about Luke at all, this is about what you want and that’s just wrong,” Casey finished and stood up. “Thanks for breakfast.”

Casey immediately walked over to the booth where Reid and Luke were sitting. The two men didn’t notice his approach at all. Casey cleared his throat loudly to get Luke’s attention, startling the couple out of their reverie.

“Uh… hi Casey, how are you?” Luke asked, his manners kicking in before his brain.

Reid just glared at the intruder.

Casey just grinned at the pair. “I just wanted to come over and say hi to you both,” he said making eye contact with both men. Then he leaned over and whispered “congratulations Dude, I’m happy for you,” in Luke’s ear.

Luke smiled at Casey, “thanks.”

“Well I’ve got to get to work, so I guess I’ll see you later,” Casey said and waved good-bye.

“See ya,” echoed Luke.

“What was that all about?” Reid asked as he watched Casey leave.

Luke turned to Reid and smiled. “I think that you just got the Casey Hughes seal of approval.”

“Did I need that?”

“Well, Casey is my best friend, so it can’t hurt,” Luke replied, but noting that Reid looked a little uncertain he added “no you didn’t need it, you already had mine.”

Reid nodded and then kissed Luke, “good, you have mine too.”

The pair sat there for awhile until Henry came by with the bill.

Henry had seen them come in. He had waved hello to them but had been patently ignored. They had walked over to that booth and sat down together. Henry noted that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. They weren’t making out like teenagers; rather they just seemed to need constant tactile contact. Even when the food came, and Henry knew how important food was to Reid, they couldn’t stop touching each other and sharing little smiles.

Clearly Reid had managed to “comfort” Luke last night. Henry had never seen Luke look so happy. Go figure, Luke Snyder and Dr. Oliver as a couple, who’d have thunk it? On the other hand people on the outside thought that about him and Barbara so who was he to judge? As long as they were happy, and they certainly looked happy, what else mattered?

“Whenever you’re ready,” Henry said handing them the bill.

“Thanks, Henry,” Luke replied reaching for his wallet. “Thanks for letting me leave my car here last night. I really appreciate it.”

“No problem, Luke.”

“Well I guess that we should get going,” Luke said turning to Reid.

“Yeah, I really need to get to the hospital.” Christ I’m late.

“I have to go home and change and then go to the foundation, I didn’t quite make it in yesterday.”

“Are you free tonight, for dinner?” Reid asked trying not to show how badly he wanted to see Luke again.

Luke beamed at him. “Dinner sounds great! Why don’t you text me with the details?”

“I will.”

Reid walked Luke to his car and kissed him soundly good-bye.

“See ya later,” Luke murmured when he broke the kiss.

“Later,” Reid agreed.

End Notes: I’m not positive about Alison’s behaviour, but I’m pretty sure that she slept with Chris while she was engaged to Aaron, and for purposes of this story she did. LOL.

Thanks for reading!

lure my fic rated pg14

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